Would you buy it for that price? I wouldn't, thats ridiculous especially if you've already been on all the rides at the park.
Buy one at https://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/store/flash-pass.
No. SFMM gets crowded, but $800 is way too much.
@Anon Mouse
Explain the not safe part. I go to Six Flags parks all the time (never been to Magic Mountain, I go to Great Adventure) and I've never been hurt.
SFMM has problems with both crime and its safety record. You can Google it if you wish. Use crime and safety as the key words.
@Anon Mouse
Just looked it up, and while they don't have a perfect record neither does Disneyland on both of those issues. Six Flags America has those issues but I've been to the park with no problems.
Based on a quick calculation, you'd have to visit at least a 7 times on extremely busy days to break even on this deal (based on the current $499 sale). I'm not sure what the typical visit pattern is for SFMM passholders, but most other SF Parks expect passholders to make 3-5 visits per year. Also, the whole point of getting a season pass to a SF park is to visit for a couple of hours, ride what you want/can during that time, and then leave when it gets too crowded/annoying to stay. The Flash Pass is more designed for the single day visitor who's trying to get the most out of their limited visit.
This seems like a misguided marketing attempt. However, I have to say that Six Flags has been improving a bit over the past couple of years to the point that they're no longer the laughing stock of the industry they were in the first decade of this century.
I can only see two cases where this would make sense:
1. Someone who will be visiting only on weekends during the summer and/or during school holiday periods.
2. Someone who will mostly be visiting with friends and relatives who live outside of California.
If neither of those apply, there is absolutely no reason to purchase this upgrade. Additionally, you'd have to visit a lot to justify the price. At $70 per day for a Gold Flash Pass, you need 8 visits to benefit at the expensive $499 sale price or 12 visits to benefit at the outrageous $799 official price. I like roller coasters and I live about 1.5 hours from the park (in good traffic), and I usually make 4-7 visits per year. I doubt too many people go often enough to actually benefit from this.
If Six Flags wants to sell an all season Flash Pass, they need to make it a more appealing deal. Offer the upgrade for $399 ($299 sale price) and make it good for unlimited usage at your home park and one use each at every other Six Flags park. If that was offered and I knew I was going to be traveling to other Six Flags properties during the year, I would absolutely consider the add-on at that price.
Lastly, Anon, I have never felt SFMM is any less safe than any other So Cal theme park, so I'm curious if there are specific things you are referring to.
On the subject of how safe SFMM is, I will say this- SFMM is by far the most sketchy park I have been to, but that does not make the park sketchy.
@Juan Hamilton
Six Flags America is sketchy but like what you said, its not that sketchy compared to a bad neighborhood or something like that.
Out of all SoCal parks, SFMM has by far the most dangerous clientele record. In previous years (80's-early 2000's), SFMM was plagued with gang activity. Luckily it seems that in the last 10 years, SFMM has dramatically cleaned itself up. Its gotten to a point where I would consider SFMM to be just as safe as USH. So safety should not be a concern when visiting.
I don't even go to SF if I get free tickets
All SF parks are completely safe. I've been to a few, I even have a gold AP. I've never had a problem at any of them. I've deffenantly seen some questionable activity, but I've never felt unsafe. I guess that's just because I live in Philly and take public transit every day so I'm not as sensitive but they are just as safe as a CF park or a smaller park.
I've only been to Magic Mountain once - my wallet was stolen.
Not a park that I have fond memories of.
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You can buy it for $499, save 38%. Still not worth it when you can pay $40 discounted to go in. This park is not safe at times.