cheap tickets

May 13, 2016, 3:53 PM

My family and I will be in Orlando for about 10 hours port of call from cruise ship. The excursion to universal is a bit over $200 x 5 = $1000? to spend 6 hour? I have heard it is not worth it. Does anyone know where discounted tickets can be purchased? Or perhaps another way of enjoying the park with paying for another cruise? Would hate to be scammed
thanks Liz

Replies (2)

Edited: May 13, 2016, 6:01 PM

There are a few details needed...what time of year? Does the $200 include express passes? The ONLY way to remotely enjoy your time at the park would be by using express passes. Even still...6 hours is really short to enjoy the parks - note the plural "parks" (does your excursion provide park-to-park tickets?).

May 13, 2016, 6:20 PM

Welcome to Theme Park Insider, wackihiggs!

You can find a link to our post Where Do You Buy Discount Theme Park Tickets? on our How to Plan Your Theme Park Vacation page.

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