Civil work at Disney Springs is 90% complete. And WOW!

May 20, 2016, 2:39 AM

Oh my God! Driving along Buena Vista Drive in front of Disney Springs is literally a pleasure! Three lanes. Pedestrian bridges to shorten traffic light sequences. On and off ramps to accommodate entering and exiting parking areas. What used to be a morass of cars and busses is now like being on a paid vacation

Replies (17)

May 20, 2016, 3:03 AM

You mean you get paid to drive by Disney Springs? I didn't know you were a Disney bus driver, TH.

"Uh...he said Morass. Huhuh."
"Shut up, Beavis."

May 20, 2016, 3:45 AM

How about some pix, TH?

And how come you haven't reported on how Disney has made history by topping $1B in domestic movie ticket sales in a mere 128 days, shattering Universal's record set just last year? Dude, I count on your for these types of posts!

May 20, 2016, 6:46 AM

Nice one James... hahahaha

Hey TH: How about those parking garages... Best engineered parking garage I have ever been in...

I love the digital board telling you what floor and how many spaces, then on each floor - what row, what spot is open...

May 20, 2016, 9:53 AM

90% complete. 3 years going on 4 years. What else is expected TH?

May 20, 2016, 10:04 AM

Thank goodness you're back to form, TH. I was starting to think that the Disney PR Department had cut off your monthly stipend!

Oh, and about that awesome Disney Springs news.......yawn.

May 20, 2016, 11:07 AM

Once the interchange at 536 and Buena Vista Drive is complete driving through Disney Springs will be hassle free. And speaking of free no charge to park

Edited: May 21, 2016, 2:15 PM

To those who worked hard ... To those men and women who built these roads and bridges ... I say well done and not "yawn."

May 23, 2016, 6:05 AM

Actually, TH, I've got to agree a little with you. After experiencing the pothole heaven that Six Flags St Louis calls a parking lot, I can appreciate well-built parking garages and ingress and egress ramps that make the drive to the attraction pleasurable.

And yes, kudos to the people who designed and built these infrastructure improvements.

But will these parking garages and infrastructure improvements ever appear on the FastPass reservation site? (with Disney you never know)

Will you ever hear anybody say, "Man, I've got to get back down to Orlando to check out those new parking garages and off-ramps at Disney Springs!"?

If Disney built rides and parks with the same enthusiasm that they build hotels and shopping and entertainment centers, their infrastructure improvements would be more appreciated.

Bad behavior (corporate or personal) should never be rewarded.

May 23, 2016, 11:29 AM

Cool story bro.

Edited: May 23, 2016, 1:47 PM

Hillman: "Will you ever hear anybody say, "Man, I've got to get back down to Orlando to check out those new parking garages and off-ramps at Disney Springs!"?

I Respond: Probably not. But while stuck in traffic after a concert at Downtown Disney's House of Blues, I have heard friends say "I hate this traffic," and "I'm never coming down here again." Further the amenities (retail, dining and entertainment) being added to Disney Springs are going to be a huge draw. The added civil work makes the experience that much better.

Hillman: "If Disney built rides and parks with the same enthusiasm that they build hotels and shopping and entertainment centers, their infrastructure improvements would be more appreciated."

I Respond: Those who appreciate (and make note of) a resort's infrastructure improvements probably do so because they have a different perspective. Like maybe some of them actually do theme park construction for a living. And again, those who simply take the improvements for granted will likely not have an opinion unless the infrastructure had begun to fall apart. Like there was this one guy I crossed paths with who was always whining about "the pothole heaven that Six Flags St Louis calls a parking lot."

Hillman: "Bad behavior (corporate or personal) should never be rewarded."

I Respond: Tell it to Six Flags in St, Louis and not the company that is willing to invest millions to improve all aspects of a guest experience.

May 23, 2016, 9:26 PM

Six Flags Saint Louis is indeed a pit. It is the worst, bar none, Six Flags park I have visited to date. It really shouldn't be anywhere near a discussion about Disney.

May 25, 2016, 4:58 AM

It might have taken awhile, but Disney did it right. Gone are the days with terrible traffic and parking at Marketplace/Downtown Disney/Disney Springs.

Just from a setup, Walt would

May 25, 2016, 5:51 AM

Anthony: What would Walt?

May 25, 2016, 6:21 AM

How much "would" would a Walt would?

May 25, 2016, 6:56 AM

How much wood could a Walt would if a Walt could wood

Edited: May 25, 2016, 8:59 AM

Maybe he was abducted by aliens during his would post...

He just left us hanging on waiting, waiting......

Maybe we should have some fun with this 1/3 sentence game... Lets finish it for him...

Walt Would be impressed to see more monies pouring into Disney Springs....

Walt Would: have married SofĂ­a Vergara for his 4th marriage
at age 90.

Edited: May 27, 2016, 5:16 AM

Sorry, Walt would have been.....proud with the efficiency. Damn computer

He was a bit fan in Urban planning with walkways above roads which are then above service corridors. I feel that Disney Springs might be some of his ideas now come to life (it a bit of fictional way)

Still, this is a fun game!

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