General Public riders are now riding Lightning Rod at Dollywood.
pics from @extreamcoaster on instagram
I've heard from everyone I've talked to at the park today that's it's by far the #1 woodie in the world, but that could just be hype.
Yep, looks like they started technical rehearsals today. I'm honestly surprised it was that quick...I had written off an opening before mid-June based on what I'd been hearing. Lightning Rod is probably the most anticipated new for 2016 attraction and while I'm always a bit skeptical of the initial reviews it does sound like it delivers an excellent ride. Fair warning to anyone planning a trip in the near future, however: The ride currently only has one train on the track and likely will be operating with one train for at least a couple weeks after opening (which may be as soon as this weekend), so if you're planning to visit before the end of June bring your patience.
It figures...I'm going to be on vacation all next week in Ohio, which means they'll probably schedule the media preview sometime next week, or they'll set it up for the same day as the Superman VR media day at SFA.
I picked the wrong day to temporarily retire from making roller coaster memes
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Excellent news! Here's hoping the public test goes well and the park moves to an official opening soon. Looks like a fun ride.