It's been two and a half years since the dragon flew over "new" Fantasyland. Disney made the hype for this thing unreal and it has yet to fly again. It's hard to believe disney would put all this money into this to just do it one time only. There was the rumor that it would return for the 'Believe in Fantasy' nighttime show that never happened. Does anyone think we'll ever see this thing again?
Yeah, I think that Disney decided to go down a different route for aerial effects (with drones), instead.
Can't we assume a similar amount of money and effort went into the one time transformation of Spaceship Earth into the Death Star?
Point being, the big theme parks have to spend big bucks to promote things. Just because the results are amazing, it doesn't mean they will be regular features.
Fingers crossed however for a return of the amazing projection show on Hogwarts castle in both LA and Orlando. They are not positioned especially well for big night time shows, but some projected razzle-dazzle would be great added value.
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Joe I writes: "Disney made the hype for this thing unreal and it has yet to fly again. It's hard to believe disney would put all this money into this to just do it one time only"
I Respond: Not sure what you mean when you say the company "made the hype for this thing unreal." "Unreal?" I think they relased a single video clip.
But I could be wrong.
And, although I have no idea what the actual investment was, it is really hard for me to believe (by Disney standards) it cost that much. They leased an ultra-light, strapped some propane tanks to it and built a big puppet. From what I have heard the sound of the ultra-light motor/propellor killed the effectiveness of the gag.