Merchandisable stuff Disney shoehorned into Star Wars – The Last Jedi

Edited: December 29, 2017, 8:23 PM

Spoilerly McSpoilerson Alert!

Discussion about merchandisable stuff Disney shoehorned into Star Wars – The Last Jedi that will no doubt appear in Star Wars Galaxies Edge.

Have you seen The Last Jedi? Welcome! Have you not seen it yet? GO AWAY!

This is about all the stuff that made an appearance in the newest film in the growing Star Wars galaxy of motion pictures that are destined to find a place (and a price tag) at the theme park expansions in both Anaheim and Orlando. Galaxy's Edge is Disney’s first opportunity to respond to Universal’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter. No offence fans of Avatar, but I don’t believe it has the same weight as the other two - yet. While both IPs are beloved and attractions for both have been easy to conceptualize, it has seemed that WWoHP has held an edge on profitability in merchandise and F&B over what Star Wars brings to the table. There are just so many things in the Potter world that fans want to buy and eat. These are not just souvenirs of the stories; they are items that fit naturally in place. This is no criticism of Star Wars; it’s just that the stories are different.

Let me begin the conversation with a couple of items that caught my eye in this movie. Please help me fill in the story with items that also caught your attention during this movie.

• The origin of blue milk. They didn’t do themselves any favors on this one. Blue milk seemed to be pretty much low hanging fruit in the F&B offerings, but now that we’ve seen where it comes from…well, we can’t “un-see” where it comes from. We all know where we get milk, but I’d always figured what they were drinking in the tavern was a mixed drink. Now we know it comes straight out of the critter like that, so any flavor it has is natural, and what will that flavor be?

• Rose Tico’s Moon necklace. Seems like this item has some pretty important symbolism, but it’s also marketable for purchase to guests in the parks. has an entire article about the influx of jewelry in this movie. They give some credit to Carrie Fisher’s request that there be more jewelry. You can read that story here -

What other items did you see in this movie that you felt were put in the story to provide more items to sell in the theme parks?

Replies (8)

December 29, 2017, 3:04 PM

"A Jedi can come from anywhere"

Ok, this really wasn't that huge of a revelation, but they seemed to really hammer this point. I believe any guest can now be a Jedi. It seemed a bit clunky to me.

Porgs are the new Ewoks.

December 29, 2017, 3:21 PM

The Resistance ring.

December 29, 2017, 3:46 PM

New spaceships.

December 29, 2017, 7:36 PM

Not to overly nitpick, but the milk in the TLJ was green not blue. I absolutely expect to see both in Galaxy's Edge. Just to mention in Rogue One, little Jyn had a Stormtrooper doll. So that's one whole line of in universe toys ready to roll out, With the different trooper variants.

December 29, 2017, 7:55 PM

Not that they’d actually do this......but the roasted porg, in some alternate theme park, would probably be a menu item.

Jedi text books? (Not sure what they’d actually contain)

December 29, 2017, 9:22 PM

BB-9E, a droid that was hyped up as the evil BB-8, but was only in the movie for 5 seconds.

Edited: December 29, 2017, 9:44 PM

The first thing that came to mind was the porgs, which were all over the shelves at the gift shop/soda fountain next to the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood.

Apparently, the filmmakers created the porgs via CGI to superimpose over puffins that were all over the island where they filmed Luke's hidden planet, which was easier than digitally erasing them. But that doesn't explain why they put a porg in the Milennium Falcoln cockpit with Chewbacca once they left the island/planet.

Edited: January 4, 2018, 1:00 PM

Brooms. Who needs a Firebolt or Nimbus 2000, when you can have a real sweeper that doubles as a light saber trainer? Disney could have a Jedi Training Academy where the kids parade down the streets of Galaxy's Edge sweeping up the trash with their authentic Cantonica brooms (available for purchase and use throughout the park after the show at the janitor's closet), while learning the ways of the force.

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