Hello, I am a senior civil engineering student looking to get my masters in structural engineering. I have always had the dream of becoming an imagineer for Disney and I think it would be incredible to be apart of the team that designs Disney's resorts, and new additions to its parks. Does anyone know if Disney has in house structural engineers for that, or hires on other structural engineering companies?
Also, I want to work for Disney first and foremost, so I'm open to other ideas on how a civil engineering student can make that happen.
Any thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated!
I’m sure Disney hires designers, who are people who dream up new rides. They don’t need structural or civil engineers specifically. They usually contract that expertise out. So better to locate companies that work with Disney and figure out what skills and background is needed. When I graduated with an Engineering degree, I applied everywhere including Disney. You really can’t hold out for Disney. If you don’t get an Engineering job soon after graduation, you’re too late. No company will hire you for anything.
Thanks for the advice Anton! Thats good to know. Do you have any ideas what Civil/Structural companies Disney works with?
No, that’s your job.
I hate to break it to you but you picked quite possibly the most stereotypical industry job that thousands of engineering students and recent grads want to get into. Orlando and Anaheim are filled with would-be imagineers who moved there armed with degrees in various fields (that are related to what they want to do) but can't break in because there are so few jobs in relation to how many people want to do it, the numbers just aren't very favorable. It's one of those jobs that when people get they never leave so positions don't open very often and when they do open they are filled with people who have lots of experience in that field. Also its very common for people that do internships with WDI to not get a job after because they don't have any open positions.
My advice would be to go to the best school possible, get the best grades possible, and try like hell to get an internship. If you never get accepted build up a huge portfolio of great work over several years and keep applying and trying like hell. If you do all that eventually they may consider you down the road.
Wish I had better news, but i've met lots and lots of people with engineering degrees who want to be in WDI but WDI doesn't want recent grads they want people with lots of experience and are top of their field.
Universal Creative is looking for engineers. Considering the size and swath of property they are about to develop in China and Orlando, I am certain there are opportunities with them.
Thanks the_man for the advice. It’s hard to hear, but it’s good to have a realistic expectation. I appreciate your feedback.
TH Creative, that’s a really good idea! I’ll look into that, thank you!
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Get a team together for the Imaginations competition. That's the most direct path to getting a job at WDI.