What's the single best theme park ticket value out there right now?

December 11, 2018, 3:52 PM

As we gear up for the next theme park season, I wanted to ask your opinion on the best theme park ticket deal out there right now.

I'm not talking about the lowest priced ticket. Or your opinion on the best park. Instead, I want to know what you think is the best value, delivering the most and best for the money.

These can be tickets you've bought or just ones you have your eye on right now. But help a fan out and share the best deals you've found, in the comments.


Replies (9)

December 11, 2018, 5:05 PM

It’s sorta-kinda cheating, but .... my $12/month Seaworld platinum pass. Grandfathered in for 16 years and never considered stopping it.

For me, it has to be my Cedar Fair platinum pass .... all those parks and an amazing selection of coasters for $168 a year. Great value !

December 12, 2018, 3:50 AM

Universal Orlando Annual premier Pass. Until April 2019 you get 18 month instead of 12. Discount on most restaurants, shops, hotel rooms, free Halloween Horror Nights ticket, free entrance to special events and concerts, valet parking and after 4 pm free Universal Express. It's a great deal.

December 12, 2018, 9:22 AM

I still think it's a Six Flags Gold Season Pass, assuming you don't live too close to one of their bigger parks (SFMM, SFGA, SFGAdv, SFoT) where the prices are much higher. Our Six Flags America pass costs a smidgen over $50, and includes unlimited visits through the end of 2018 and all of 2019 to not only our local SF, but every SF park in North America. The pass includes free parking at every SF park along with other coupons and discounts like bring a friend free days, percent off food and souvenirs, and free game play.

While the overall experience at Six Flags parks tends to lag behind virtually every other park in the world, it's hard to beat the price for a year of entertainment.

December 12, 2018, 10:00 AM

I'd have to agree with Russell. Six Flags passes/memberships beats out almost any other deal any other park has to offer. Even right now, they have a holiday special for one of their highest membership, Diamond, for only $10.99 a month, that includes ALL kinds of extra specials including skip-one-ride-per-visit, unlimited soft drinks, preferred parking, free photos, etc., etc. and like Russell said multiply that by access to ALL of SF parks.
And yes, some of these parks are not as good as the big parks, but they are still quite fun and just can't beat what you get for the money.

December 12, 2018, 10:06 AM

On the other hand, even with everything I said about the great deal one gets with SF passes... since I moved away from DC, I don't live near a SF park anymore, so it doesn't make as much sense for me even though it is such a good deal.
So, I upped for probably one of the more expensive (and not as much of a deal) pass... and that is Busch Garden's (Seaworld) platinum pass.. Williamsburg is close, and we often vacation in Florida, and I just think BG/SW are underrated parks and enjoy them greatly. And well, beer!!
So, thats the other side of the coin... even though SF, by any measure, has the better deal.. I think people are still more willing to pay a little more for passes to a park they love rather than pay less for parks they think are so-so.

December 12, 2018, 12:33 PM

Not an annual pass, but a one-day ticket to Disney's best theme park - Tokyo DisneySea - costs $65. That's not as part of some package or multi-day ticket. That's the list price.

If I am going to just one park on one day anywhere in the world... to me, that's the best deal.

Edited: December 12, 2018, 2:44 PM

@OT .... I have April 4th marked on my calendar for the last day of the UO 18 month deal !! The only downside is that it needs to be activated on or before the 4/4/19 deadline, and I really could have done with the 6 months Disney-style activation time-frame to take me closer to my retirement date. It's unlikely I will let the opportunity go though as it's too much of a good deal to let slip by. I'll most probably get the premier pass, as it includes the Uni Express (after 4) and preferred parking .... and I only live 3 miles from the park, so silly to miss out.

Just need an 18 month for 12 month deal from Disney now !?!?! LOL ... !!!!

Edited: December 12, 2018, 3:44 PM

I bought a SFOG "gold" season pass last fall for $55 and have used it at SFOG 3x, SFGADV twice, SFA, and SFNE. The pass included parking and I never bought one penny worth of food or souvenirs at any park. SF must make all their money off of the dining pass and flash pass because there is no way they make any money from selling season passes, they are loss leaders.

Although when I was a kid there was a good five year stretch I used my SFGAm season pass over 50x each season. Amazing to think about but that was 20 years ago. I'm looking at the price of a SFGAm season pass now they are selling the pass that includes parking for $75 which means the price has actually gone down from what it was 20 years ago, I remember paying $70 + the parking pass was an extra $30-50 (depending on the year) back then.

December 13, 2018, 12:13 AM

It's very tough to beat a Six Flags Pass for value, especially if bought during one of the sales offering a free Gold upgrade. Even if you only go a handful of times in a year, it breaks down to only $10-15 per visit including admission and parking. Go more often, and you can get that into the single digits. Yes, Six Flags parks are thrill parks with more standard attractions, but if you look at price vs. quality it's hard to beat.

For regular tickets, Disney's parks are actually a pretty good value on the longer end of the multi-day tickets (4-5 days in California and 7-10 days in Florida). However, that is if you opt out of park hopping and can remain interested in the parks for that many days in a short span of time.

Worst value IMO are Universal and SeaWorld parks (particularly the California locations). They charge just as much as the destination resorts, yet offer only a fraction of the attractions.

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