If you follow your favorite theme park(s) on Facebook, Twitter, etc., I'd like to know which social media accounts you find most useful?
Which park is providing information that helps you get the most from your visit, steers you toward useful discounts and deals, and inspired you to discover something great in the park? Ideally, parks would be doing all that as well as responding to guest inquiries and keeping you entertained with their feeds.
So there you go: Which park is doing the best job with social media? Please nominate your favorites (and provide their URLs) in the responses. Remember, we're looking for official accounts only here. No fair giving credit to parks when fans do their work for them. TIA.
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Since this question has been sitting here a week with no response I'm going to break the rules and answer mousewait for Disney. Sorry, but it's the best help when spending a day in the park. Accurate wait times, live photos, real time updates.... But that's all user made. I haven't found the official Disney app too useful.