SeaWorld Parks could be up for sale again?

April 21, 2019, 1:50 PM

I read on theme park university that talks of the parks getting sold again this summer could be true.

Replies (6)

April 21, 2019, 2:26 PM

Anything is for sale at the right price. Ask Fox.

April 21, 2019, 2:30 PM

Why is SeaWorld always in so much financial trouble I thought the parks were actually rebounding.

April 21, 2019, 3:12 PM

Reading the article it seems to me they are adding 2 and 2 and making 5.

Does anyone really think SWE is spending millions of $$$ on Gwazi to sell the parks ??

I don't think so.

April 22, 2019, 10:28 AM

I'm not so sure the Fox sale was about the Right Price, more about Rupert not trusting any of his kids to run his empire, so he downsized it to the thing he's cared about since he was a kid - News.

>>>Does anyone really think SWE is spending millions of $$$ on Gwazi to sell the parks ??

On a Sea World scale, is that much more than giving the house a fresh coat of paint ahead of a sale? I'm not sure the brand has gotten away from its troubles - the public shift away from live animal entertainment and lack of investment has knocked em down at least one tier ranking.

>>>Why is SeaWorld always in so much financial trouble I thought the parks were actually rebounding.

When you fall a long way, there's a lot of rebounding to do.

April 22, 2019, 11:56 AM

Universal should buy SeaWorld. It would be an easy way to add a real 3rd theme park.

April 22, 2019, 10:12 PM

I think it would be too off brand for them.

Besides, they've already got the advantage of being able to sell BG/Sea World tickets and operate a shuttle bus there. Why take on the liability?

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