Avengers Campus Completion Date?

Edited: July 19, 2020, 9:51 PM

I know Disneyland has been closed since March, and has no opening date in site...but does anyone know when Avengers Campus will be completed? When they closed down in March, they were only 4 months from opening the area. COVID, of course, pushed everything back. I understand that. But will it be completed before the years end? I was originally going to see it in August. But it won’t be until next summer at the earliest now. Also, are there any rumblings on when Disneyland may reopen? I know cases in California have been surging for some time now. So I’m doubtful it will be anytime soon.

Replies (5)

July 18, 2020, 5:15 PM

I assume phase 1 of Avengers Campus (Spider-Man, Doctor Strange) will be completed by next summer, but phase 2 (Avengers simulator) probably won’t be ready for another 2 years after phase 1 opens

July 18, 2020, 10:33 PM

I honestly doubt that AC will open this year. I think Disney is loosening up a bit on opening the park and on construction for the land. I’m sure they’ll open it next year and do some marketing campaign to get more people to come to the park (as if Disneyland will actually need to incentivize people to come because it seems a lot of people want to go back).

July 18, 2020, 11:34 PM

At this point, the earliest I can see the parks opening is late September... and that's if everything turns around and gets better ASAP in California. Otherwise, we're looking later in the year or even early next year for the parks' return.

Disney likely will hold AC until it's gotten at least a couple of months of operation after a restart. First, there are the new procedures to implement. Second, there's going to be a backlog of demand, so there's no need for a new attraction to bring people to the parks.

Put it all together, and if we see AC before next spring, I would be surprised.

And I don't think we'll see phase two for years, if ever, at this point. Disney will wait for a tourism recovery before green-lighting any new capital projects.

Edited: July 21, 2020, 12:35 AM

I haven't heard any dates, but I have heard the following:

1. Projects that reached a point of construction where elements not easily repurposed were installed prior to the closure will be completed, but on a delayed timeline. Projects that have not reached that point are postponed indefinitely.

2. Projects relating to existing infrastructure will be resumed and completed as quickly as possible based on available funds.

3. Projects relating to new infrastructure will not resume until Disney is confident that there is no chance of another shutdown and that there will be enough of a market within 6-12 months to benefit from bringing it online.

The optimist in me wants construction on Avengers Campus to resume this fall for an opening in spring 2021, but the realist in me says it's more likely the land may be pushed back to a summer/fall 2021 debut. If Disney decides to host D23 next year, I would not be at all surprised if the opening of the land is timed to closely coincide with that event. I absolutely would not expect it to open before April/May 2021, and if you're planning a trip to visit the land, I wouldn't plan any sooner than October/November 2021 until Disney confirms a new date.

As for Disneyland (and other SoCal parks) reopening, I'm going to say sometime in August or first half of September at the latest. Theme parks have been shown to have a minimal contribution to COVID cases through their safe operation elsewhere in the country, and I've got a feeling there's going to be a lot of pressure put on Newsom to get regulations out ASAP once the extra unemployment ends and workers start searching for other jobs. I'm planning to compile a proper report in the next couple weeks, but I'll say this...after spending the last ten days visiting theme parks in Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas, I felt far safer at any of them than at any of the businesses currently allowed to operate in California.

July 21, 2020, 6:24 PM

To be honest, I wasn’t planning on visiting until next summer, at the earliest anyway. I don’t intend to travel until there is a vaccine, or therapeutics for the virus. I’m in New York, so flying to California, or anywhere, is not a priority for me at the moment, or anytime soon.

I don’t expect Avengers Campus to open until next year sometime either. If everything goes well with a vaccine and/or therapeutics, maybe I will go back next July, or August. Hopefully the land will be finished by then, if not, I’ll go at a later date when it is finished.

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