Walt Disney’s Railroading Past Comes Alive in Virtual Presentation

November 19, 2020, 4:42 PM

[Press release from The San Diego Model Railroad Museum]

At 5 p.m. on Thursday, December 3, two volunteers from the Carolwood Foundation and Walt Disney’s Carolwood Barn, Jeff Ino and Sam Towler, will discuss how his influences in Marceline, MO and beyond led to the creation of two notable railroads. In 1949, Walt Disney built his own miniature railroad: the Carolwood Pacific (C.P.R.R.). On weekends, he could often be found at the controls of his 1/8-inch scale locomotive, Lilly Belle, or tinkering inside his little red barn, which now sits in Griffith Park as a museum. The Mine Train Through Nature’s Wonderland was a popular early attraction at the happiest place on earth – Disneyland. The Carolwood Foundation has worked tirelessly to preserve Walt’s railroading legacy. Margaret Harris, SDMRM Collections Curator, will serve as moderator and answer questions throughout the live presentation, which is part of the museum’s Modeler Citizen online lecture series.

Guests can register for the event via EventBrite for as little as $1; all donations from registration directly support the museum!

This presentation is a companion to an in-person exhibit about the Carolwood Pacific, but the exhibit is on hold due to COVID-19 closures. When the San Diego Model Railroad Museum can safely open, guests will see historical artifacts on loan from Walt’s Barn, some of which were owned by Walt himself.

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