It appears that some first-class loser, who's now no longer a member of the website, decided to use the site's messaging feature to send a bunch of insulting emails to people last night.
Sorry about that. People have to be registered members of the site to use the messaging feature, which up until now has helped ensure that people use the messaging feature responsibly. I've banned the offending sender, and taken the messaging function offline for the time being, as I look to design a way to prevent similar abuse of the system.
Again, I apologize for the jerk's behavior and I'm working to ensure that we do everything we can to keep jerks off the site now and in the future.
Thanks for your patience,
Been here almost seven years and never had a problem. Guess I was overdue. However, I pretty much deserved everything that was sent to me. I am a big, stinking %$#&@*&%$ with a piece of &^$*#@^ for a brain. Totally deserved. ;)
Thanks for acting so quickly, Mr. Niles.
Can you fix the edit function of the discussion thread? You can't edit the description of the new topic.
No need to apologize. You can't be expected to control that sort of nonsense.
I'll look into that one, Anon. Is there a specific thread that you wanted to change, and couldn't?
I'm deeply offended that the messenger used the incorrect tense and no punctuation in his rather feeble attempt to blast us. Theme Park Insider is an awesome site, and we deserve better and more imaginative insults than that. ;^)
The edit button doesn't work when you post a new topic. I'm not sure if that is by design or just an unintended glitch. As of now you are forced to write your article in a separate word processor, proof read and correct mistakes, THEN post your article. Currently it is impossible to use the edit button on posted topics. Clicking the edit button just hyperlinks you to the discussion forum page.
Okay. Gimme a bit. It works for me, but I've got to log in with a non-administrator account to see what's happening, then I'll go in and mess around with the code. Sorry about that!
No worries just trying to explain the problem the best I could. Better to work off an explanation to try and pin point the problem rather than just saying "it isn't working."
I'm insulted that I wasn't insulted.
Hey Tony - You are a D-bag - I hope you feel better now...
Just Kidding.....
James, don't be so hard on yourself. You're just a small, slightly smelly %$#&@ with only a very small piece of &^$#@^ for brains. I always stand up for my friends. :+)
Don't feel bad, Tony- I wasn't insulted either, not even by Jeff Elliott...gee, and I thought he was my friend. :+(
Tony im also insulted is like if there was a event and we didn't participate. hahahahah
Oh, wow. I feel stupid. Er, stupider. Er, stoopid-er. ;^) I misnamed the link to the editing window for non-admins. That was just a really, really dumb bug in the thread template itself. (Which explains why I never could find the error in the editing template.)
Really embarrassed by that one. Sorry! But it does appear to be fixed now.
Thanks, Jim, I feel better now.
What are friends for?
A friend is someone who comforts and consoles you while you wait for an hour to ride a 17 second coaster (Top Thrill Dragster).
Just kidding...I know you had more important things to do... *sniff*
Win with the detailed explanation.
Thanks Brian, takes one to know one. Na Na Na Na Na!
I feel better now.
Well, I must not be important enough...:)
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thanks for telling us. I didn't receive any email but its good to know that the site is telling us when something goes wrong.