EPCOT should dump Poppins. Put the Beatles in World Showcase.

Edited: October 15, 2021, 12:49 PM

If you haven't seen the latest trailer for Peter Jackson's documentary 'Get Back' follow the link and be absolutely amazed. In what appears to be a powerfully close and personal presentation, the master of the LOTR franchise seems to have culled together a love letter to one of the greatest bands in the history of the human eardrum.

From a themed entertainment fan's perspective, it strikes me that a Beatles attraction would be a sweet fit in the UK pavilion at EPCOT. And it would certainly carry more promise than the "only-in-bluesky" idea of bringing Mary Poppins to the park.

Think about it: Beatles music made an appearance at EPCOT in live sets performed by the band British Invasion. And the fact that Fab Four (or maybe "Surviving Two" plus estates) managed to carve out a deal with Disney+ shows they have no reticence about jamming with The Mouse.

And certainly the team at WDI would relish the opportunity to take a swing at producing a multi-media extravaganza presenting The Beatles in a themed entertainment experience.

Come on Disney. Don't let me down.

Replies (7)

October 15, 2021, 12:59 PM

This provides another opportunity to note that The Beatles officially broke up at Walt Disney World.

Let's go all-in on the corporate synergy here. I want a Disney attraction where Mary Poppins uses Tony Stark's "time heist" tech to go back in time to the Polynesian Resort in 1974 and convince John Lennon not to sign the break-up deal but to get the band back together, instead. Which they do, but only for one performance in what is now the UK pavilion. To see it, just keep up with the party in front of you and follow Figment, who will take you through the Magic Mirror to the show.

October 15, 2021, 1:15 PM

That Magic Mirror still SLAYS me!


Also Universal's lawyers would like to talk with you about your Tony Stark snark.

October 15, 2021, 5:22 PM

Wait a minute. You're telling me there isn't already an existing Beatles ride at Disney?

October 15, 2021, 10:00 PM

I think the days of Disney licensing outside IPs for the parks are long gone. The last one was probably Avatar, which was right after Wizarding World but before Avengers, Lucasfilm purchase, streaming boom, ect. Disney+ seems to have no problem with licensing even with Billie Eilish, a Universal artist.

I thought The Beatles should be a considered for a land at Epic Universe that would appeal to 8 to 80, and have a good variety of attractions theming and attractions.

October 16, 2021, 3:46 AM

@Mr. McMahon: Not predicting they WILL do it ... Saying they SHOULD.

October 16, 2021, 5:03 PM


You have to get the rights for The Beatles first...

Singer Michael Jackson outbid McCartney in 1985 for the rights—paying nearly $50 million for them. Jackson later sold half-rights to Sony for $95 million...

October 16, 2021, 7:25 PM

@Brian: So license the use of the music. Again, they already had Beatles music performed at EPCOT. Plus Disney had to pay someone for the broadcast rights to 'Get Back'.

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