Catching up on trademark registrations

March 27, 2023, 3:39 PM

Getting back into my normal rhythm after our Orlando trip this month, plus all the many openings so far this year, I realized that I have dropped the ball on doing weekly trademark registration checks.

My apologies, I promise get to that back on my to-do list. But to catch up, here are some theme park-related trademarks that companies have registered so far this year.

The Universal and DreamWorks one cover several of the locations we will see coming to Epic Universe in Orlando in 2025. But we do have a few registrations of existing attraction names from other companies, too.

Constellation Carousel
Curse of the Werewolf
The Oak & Star Tavern
Starfall Racers

Dragon Racer's Rally
Fyre Drill
Hiccup's Wing Gliders
How to Train Your Dragon - Isle of Berk
The Untrainable Dragon
The Wild Robot

Cedar Fair:
CP Esports


Roman Rapids

Silver Dollar City:
Fire in the Hole

Replies (6)

March 27, 2023, 4:03 PM

Curse of the Werewolf you say?…..

March 27, 2023, 6:17 PM

"Heartspitality" makes me want to vomit

March 28, 2023, 12:14 PM

My eyes just keep focusing on the "spit" in the middle of that. LOL

March 28, 2023, 3:44 PM

No kidding if that's a spinner ride that's an unfortunate name for it... lol

March 28, 2023, 4:45 PM

I assume it’s something they’ll either use as a marketing initiative or, god forbid, internally to chide employees about not having enough Heartspitality.

March 29, 2023, 8:25 AM

@Jacob - I'm guessing it will be used for Dollywood's new resort. I've always thought Sea World should have trademarked "Horsebrutality", since the Hospitality House, where you used to be able to get free beer, was right next to the Clydesdale Barns.

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