Your Last Ride. EVER...

Edited: March 8, 2024, 12:44 PM

Your Last Ride.

Unfortunately, father time is a fast one and one day we will age and no longer visit our favorite Theme parks to enjoy our favorite attractions.

As I am getting older, I realize someday we will not have the capacity or desire to ride the attractions forever. (Don’t worry, I am fine, just some self-reflection as I am over 50 and no longer have parents on this planet).

Let’s says The Grim Reaper is at our door, and he is not leaving but grants you one last ride.

I was thinking If we only had One ride left in us, what would it be.

My wife says she would ride the Avatar Flight of Passage at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

My daughter said Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure at Universal IOA.

For me I would pick Avatar Flight of Passage to spend my last ride with my wife. (I just put that line there just in case she reads this but - I pick Hulk at IOA.)

Now remember you only get One Last ride, No picking Two or more. And this might change as Epic Universal might have something even better.

Replies (15)

March 7, 2024, 1:06 PM

In my vision, I actually die whilst riding the haunted mansion at WDW, and then my soul in stuck in limbo there, being allowed to escape only temporarily for the most miserable of situations for any spirit to endure, such as corporate functions, hard ticket events or grad nights.

March 7, 2024, 4:23 PM

Great topic!

Can you cheat death by waiting on an as-yet-unopened attraction? 'Cause I'm going for Monsters Unchained - The Frankenstein Experiment at Epic Universe, if that's the case. Or maybe Avatar 2 at Disneyland. That'll keep me alive for a while. ;^)

Otherwise, if we are keeping with the true spirit of the question, give me one last day on Tokyo Disneyland's Tom Sawyer Island, which comes closest to approximating (and exceeding) the WDW Magic Kingdom version of the island from when I was a kid and then working there.

If I could please just drive the raft to and from the island, too, that would be appreciated.

March 7, 2024, 8:30 PM

The one they have to put me on a stretcher after riding, and take me to hospital .. LOL.

Other than that, I'm in my 70's and have no intention of stopping any time soon.

March 8, 2024, 1:30 PM

If I had to choose: Pirates of the Caribbean.

March 9, 2024, 6:43 AM

Absolutely no doubt in my mind that it would be Big Thunder Mountain. The difficulty was which one.
But I think it would be Disneyland's version by a goat's whisker.

March 10, 2024, 2:09 PM

If waiting for future rides is allowed, then I pick California Adventure’s Multiverse ride. That way, I get to live forever…

March 10, 2024, 5:19 PM

This is a great topic for discussion in my opinion. I’m very surprised with the number of readers that have yet to weigh in.

March 11, 2024, 5:55 AM

If you'd asked me which Broadway play I would like to see if the Grim Reaper grants me one last show, I would choose 'Hamilton'. So naturally, when it comes to my last attraction I would choose the "Hamilton of themed entertainment, 'Flight of Passage.

And then maybe a refreshing cocktail at DSTP.

March 12, 2024, 5:27 AM

I always "imagined" I had to visit Figment once more before my demise. Then I realized what a completely stupid, idiotic choice it would be to waste on the current rendition. It would most likely break down and I wouldn't get to finish it.

FoP for the win!

March 12, 2024, 1:02 PM

Robert for the win... You could have cheated death by 5 years waiting for Tron: Lightcycle Run at the Magic Kingdom.

I am going with the Voyage at Holiday World. Coming out of the pandemic, my family went to Holiday World, and my 5 year old daughter (she's tall for her age) and I rode in the front row 9 straight times. The Voyage has always been a great memory for us...

March 14, 2024, 11:42 AM

Loving that Sarah chose 'Flight of Passage' ... Almost four years ago, she composed one of the best discussion threads in TPI history -- sharing the first time she experienced the attraction.

Find it here:

March 15, 2024, 9:26 AM

Millennium Force at Cedar Point. No question. Still my favorite roller coaster.

March 16, 2024, 2:27 AM

If you can choose the circumstances under which the ride takes place, then Twisted Colossus at Six Flags Magic Mountain when run the way it was designed. I once got to experience a half hour of ERT on that ride at an enthusiast event with all three trains dueling every cycle, and it was quite possibly the most fun I've ever had on a theme park ride.

If you must take the ride as is, I'd probably say Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man. Gun to the head, I'd probably still name that my favorite attraction that doesn't derive thrills from manipulation of acceleration, and it continues to surprise me that despite 25 years of technological advancement nobody has managed to create a superior dark ride.

March 28, 2024, 6:19 AM

Probably a tame dark ride, as this isn’t something that I expect to “go out on top” with.

Edited: April 22, 2024, 4:39 PM

It's a place that comes closest to approximating the magic and joy of our experiences.

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