No more Marineland?

March 24, 2024, 8:13 PM

Not sure if true or not but rumors abounding at some theme park sites that Canada's Marineland is closing with staff told of layoffs and the website not updated since last year. I know the park's had issues on animal abuse accusations but saw an uptick in guests last year so not sure yet. Anyone in the Great White North able to confirm?

Replies (6)

March 25, 2024, 1:56 PM

What is this by now, three or four oceanariums worldwide carrying the "Marineland" name that have failed?

Edited: March 28, 2024, 6:10 AM

I’m on the American side, but only about 30 mins from Marineland.

I haven’t heard anything about it from our local media, which probably means it’s not true. I wouldn’t put any stock at all into the lack of website updates, that’s pretty normal for them to update it maybe once per year.

For the past 12 years or so, the park has dealt with a lot of activists, and hasn’t been on the best side of the Canadian Government either. It’s certainly not too far fetched for someone to start a rumor like that.

I’ve been there a handful times over the past 15 years (mainly when my kids were young), but it’s not a place that has a reason for a lot of return visits, and has only declined as time goes on. I’d like to say there is potential for the place, but aside from a large plot of land, there really isn’t much.

March 28, 2024, 6:11 AM

Also it’s been open since 1961, so even if they do close for good, I think it’s hard to say they failed.

Edited: April 23, 2024, 6:54 PM

What is the reason for the closure? It is not too far-fetched for someone to start a rumor like that.

April 23, 2024, 7:24 PM

There was actually an update regarding this situation last week. The short version is that the park has been in the process of transferring to new ownership and it was uncertain whether the park would be able to operate in 2024 due to the condition of the property. However, the plan is now to open the park with a limited set of attractions for the summer, with the season running from late June to Labor Day weekend. Details of what will be available, as well as information on tickets (which will will be significantly discounted to reflect the limited offerings) are set to be announced early next month.

Edited: May 14, 2024, 5:47 PM

Oh, I see.
Thank you for letting us know.

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