Who wants to get kidnapped for Halloween?

Edited: October 8, 2014, 10:20 AM

Okay, how's this for a Halloween event? You're walking through the last maze of the night when a gang of cannibals attacks you, covers you in a bag, throws you in to the back of a van, then drives you to a hotel room where there really is a monster waiting for you under the bed?

That's the over-the-top madness of "The Extra Cut" at Thorpe Park Fright Nights in the United Kingdom. (Which, by the way, is still united. Just throwing that in.) Fright Nights typically closes at 11pm, but fans who buy "The Extra Cut" can stay in the park until 2am for extra scares. The packages start at £125 per person, but include a night in the Thorpe "Shark" Hotel, as well as early admission to the park the next day.

Oh, and about that hotel stay.... If you really want to get crazy about Halloween, you can order several add-ons for your hotel room, including that monster under the bed or a "Gory Teller" to read you to sleep.

Gory Teller
Photo courtesy Thorpe Park

Like that is going to happen.


Replies (1)

October 8, 2014, 9:14 PM

Thats pretty extreme

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