Theme Park Insider 6.1 has been entrusted to me by its original creators due to their busy schedules. The competition will start in lat January or early February, and I am in need of people to judge. The judges will have all the say in this version, so it is important to be involved. I am hoping to have enough judges that they would not necessarily have to judge every week, to create more diversity in judging. Game play will go like TPA 5, where it is a cumulative process. Please comment if you are interested in judging.
Presuming this is of course official, I can judge.
Awesome Chad. It is. Following the debacle last time, I want to avoid a repeat at all costs. Please email me ( so I can give you more information.
Given that you haven't competed in any previous TPA competitions (at least to my knowledge) and that I haven't heard anything asking for someone to run the competition, I would like to see an endorsement from either Jeff Elliott or James Koehl before doing anything with this competition. Due to your previous attempt at creating a competition without permission I can't help but be skeptical of this.
DPCC inc. (and I have no idea what that stands for) has our full permission to run TPA. Jeff and I have too many other irons in the fire right now to run another competition at this time. We will be watching and offering suggestions and answering questions as needed. BTW, I do know his name but won't share it without his permission. He was very contrite about what happened in the past, and Jeff and I are confident that he will do a fine job in organizing this next edition of TPA. I encourage everyone to come on board and give Theme Park Apprentice a try.
Thanks James! Again, I encourage busy people to sign up to judge! It will be super fun.
Thanks to DPCC for picking this up. I can't wait to see what everyone submits for this go-around. And, yes, the Minion Hat is still available as the Grand Prize for the winner.
Okay, then. I apologize if my previous post caused any issues or seemed overly suspicious, but it was a little strange to see this suddenly appear. Anyway, I enjoy competing in these competitions, but if you are in need of judges I'm definitely willing to help out. I'll send you an e-mail this evening about it.
It's perfectly fine AJ. Just remember that as a judge you cannot compete.
I can be a judge!
Thanks Anthony! I need at least one more judge for this game to work, so please sign up now!
As a former judge and competitor, I can say that being a judge is both a lot of work and very rewarding. You will need to read each proposal (I usually read each one several times), write a critique of each proposal that is both impartial and constructive, and get your vote to the competition administrator promptly. It's not an easy job, but the competitors really appreciate the reviews that the judges post and look forward to reading them. These critiques help the competitors improve their writing skills and stimulate their creative "juices". It's an important job, but also a lot of fun!
Heck. I would love to throw my name into the ring and be a judge.
Thanks Chad, AJ, Anthony, and Allen. Assuming we het any competitors to actually compete, you guys will make great judges! I have changed the setup, and people will have to judge every week. If this is a problem, please email me. Otherwise, I think I have all the judges I need. Thank you, and Happy Judging.
Alan, could you please email me as soon as possible? I would like to get going, and the first step requires that I send you the judging set up. Thanks!
I would but you dont appear to have a msg function on your profile...
Alan, check your email.
Me, Me. I will be the Judge
I'm sorry Oscar, we already have all the judges we need. We would love to have you as a contestant though! Check the forum soon for the first round!
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It also important to know that judges will not be able to compete, but it will be less time consuming. If you have a busy schedule, this is the best way to participate.