heard the opening may be pushed to later in june to early july some on orlandoinformer.com have heard maybe in early sept.
In looking at the construction it appears the later opening date may be more in line with reality. The place is going to be hugh and cannot wait to check it out in two years.. or sooner.
They've been flogging this delay story for months. My sources keep saying team member training starts this month, soft-open in May, official open in June. Been that way for some time now.
Hearing the same thing, Robert. Should be open for good mid-June
Insider Teebin on Orlando United is reporting that the media set up (mikes, cameras etc.) for Diagon grand opening is scheduled for Monday June 16th
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We are in the early stages of planning another trip to Orlando and cannot wait to see this. By the time our family gets there the initial hype and rush will be over and wait times may not be to terrible.