Should I be able to ride Superman at SFA this month with VR?

March 5, 2016, 10:26 AM

Should I plan on being able to ride the new VR experience if I visit Six Flags America this month?

Replies (6)

March 5, 2016, 5:44 PM

Six Flags hasn't given us a date on the Superman VR coasters yet. So... I don't know. The fact that we don't have a date yet would cause me to bet "no," though, if I had to put down money on one or the other answer.

March 6, 2016, 8:07 AM

@Robert Niles
Too bad. I emailed the park but haven't got a response yet. Chances are I'll go to New England this summer so I'll do it there.

March 7, 2016, 1:14 PM

You wouldn't want to

March 7, 2016, 2:18 PM

Well, it says right on their website that it's "coming this summer", so at the very soonest you could expect it to be available by Memorial Day. So I doubt it will be ready for your visit at the end of the month.

Edited: March 7, 2016, 4:08 PM

I can't say for sure at SFA, but SFNE did a live chat the day it was announced and confirmed VR won't be available on their Superman until June, and considering SFFT hasn't announced a date either (the third park getting the Superman theme) I'm guessing all three coasters will probably debut it in June. From what I've heard, it seems that the New Revolution theme is just a mod of an existing VR program while the Superman theme is being developed exclusively for Six Flags, which may explain why those coasters are taking longer when everything else is getting the equipment this month (or on opening day if later).

If you go to SFA this month, you'll probably be able to ride Superman, but don't expect to experience it with VR.

March 7, 2016, 6:22 PM

New England is having an ACE live stream soon so they might release some more details.

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