Disney closes more Pleasure Island clubs to under-21 crowd

January 3, 2007, 3:56 PM · Starting this week, Disney is raising the minimum age to enter several Pleasure Island nightclubs to 21.

Mannequins had long been a 21-only club, but 8Trax, BET, Motion and Rock and Roll Beach Club had allowed younger guests in (though, of course, they could not buy alcohol). Now those clubs also will bar entry to minors.

Teens and young adults still can get into the Adventurers Club and the Comedy Warehouse, provided they come in with an adult. (Those two clubs, unlike the others, are oriented to entertainment beyond dancing and also rely more on waiters rather than bartenders for drink service, making carding easier.)

Replies (9)

January 3, 2007 at 9:16 PM · WHAT???

Rock n Roll Beach Club and 8 Trax was two of my favorites! Honesty, why would they change the ages for these two!

I'm glad I am now over 21

January 3, 2007 at 9:39 PM · When I was there last year, during the week people 18 and up could get in all the clubs, is that still the same now? It's a lot of fun to go to the clubs even when you're not drinking, and Manniquin is my favorite because it's the most colorful club. They've got the best lightshow in there, it's fun to just go in and watch the lights if it's empty.
January 4, 2007 at 6:26 AM · Although none of these atrocious nightclubs should be at WALT DISNEY WORLD in the first place...ahem...this is a smart move. One thing that will keep drinking patrons away from a trough is kids. They're searching for a "adult" atmosphere (whatever that means) where they can embarrass themselves in the company of other people who are doing the same thing. Not to mention that a bunch of kids who aren't drinking are probably yelling, running around and laughing too much, which annoys the crap out of everyone anyway, whether they are drinkers or not.

I think if you could ban teenagers from all public spaces you'd probably get an increase in revenues everywhere. Families don't like to be around them...drunks don't like to be around them. They pretty much are only good for sticking to their own.

January 4, 2007 at 8:10 AM · Wow Scott, sometimes I think you say things just to get a rise out of people. I love the fact that the clubs are now 21. I think it was a good move. I like that as a single 28 year old with no kids - I have a place to go at Disney to get away from all the kids and teens for a break. I am not a drunk but do like a cocktail or a glass of wine. I also like to dance, I am a girl, and that is the number one reason I as well as most of my friends go to the clubs. So I say good move Disney!
January 4, 2007 at 2:54 PM · I think it's great...Who feels comfortable drinking (and Partying) around the kids? Pleasure Island used to be about Partying! Maybe this will start a comeback? Thumbs up Disney!
January 4, 2007 at 3:34 PM · I was wondering when Scott would pipe in with his anti adult themed disney area. They will make money selling alcohol, so they will sell it. I think they could have done a better job with the clubs, it could have been a great place for families to check out during the day, and close it off to everyone except paying patrons at night....just like another succesful nighttime venture.
January 5, 2007 at 9:53 AM · I wish they'd also close the Adventurer's Club to minors. It really detracts from the atmosphere when you are there to have a good time with friends and a little risque humor and there are teenagers or even younger around with their parents.
January 5, 2007 at 10:49 AM · Boy Scott Seal's comments are especially lame, aren't they?

He writes: ... none of these atrocious nightclubs should be at WALT DISNEY WORLD in the first place...

I respond: Ridiculous. These nightclubs are not only popular with locals they are a big hit with conventioneers. Further they are themed clubs, many with great live entertainment that can't be found elsewhere in Orlando. Disney rightly keeps booze out of the Magic Kingdom (per Walt's decree) but to claim that PI doesn't belong anywhere on property is just plain ludicrous.

He writes: One thing that will keep drinking patrons away from a trough is kids ... a bunch of kids who aren't drinking are probably yelling, running around and laughing too much, which annoys the crap out of everyone anyway, whether they are drinkers or not.

I respond: What are you talking about? Since when has kids running around been a problem at either The Comedy Warehouse or Adventurer's Club (which will both continue to allow kids to visit). The CW is a theater show. No running around. The Adventurer's Club boasts a noisy and lively atmosphere. If kids were running around being loud (a circumstance that I [an annual pass holder] have NEVER witnessed) they would blend right in. If an adult was looking for a quiet drink he be a sucker to walk into the AC -- no matter what the age restrictions were.

Regarding the topic as a whole -- it's regretable that both 8-Trax and the Beach Club will restrict teens (a great place for Moms and Dads to dance with their kids). I hope they continue the outside DJ so kids can dance someplace.

Also it would be nice if during spring break or the summer season Disney would put a DJ in the Disney Marketplace. Me, my wife and kids were in the Marketplace on New Year's Eve. They had a guy on the stage who was terrific. Just played song after song that the kids (and a lot of moms) danced to. Granted the "Cha-Cha Slide" got old after the third time. But we still had fun. Setting a guy up with a DJ system is fun (and probably not too expensive). Might sell a few Legos and $3.00 sodas! ;o)

January 6, 2007 at 5:13 PM · Ah Scott, I missed your comments during my absence.

OK, Great that under 21's can't get in now. Makes it a lot simpler for the staff and will allow the adults to lighten up a little...

Regards to comedy warehouse, well..... I went there for the first time ever 2 weeks ago. I say close it for good! It was bad!

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