A first look inside the Walt Disney Family Museum

September 24, 2009, 2:27 PM · Walt Disney Family MuseumA former journalism student of mine, who now edits the website at the San Francisco Weekly, was kind enough to send along a link to their photo tour of the Walt Disney Family Museum, which opens officially on October 1.

The museum, located in several historic buildings in San Francisco's Presidio, tells the story of Walt Disney's life and career and features many personal items and studio artifacts, donated by the Walt Disney Company and family friends.

Replies (2)

September 24, 2009 at 2:48 PM · Looks much more polished than the Walt Disney museum in Marceline, Missouri (and the content, of course, is far better).

Robert, if you know the dude who posted those kindly advise him that Adventures through Inner Space and Skyway aren't Disney movies (page 3)...

September 24, 2009 at 8:24 PM · Great Job!

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