Christmas gifts for theme park fans: Make-your-own churros

November 27, 2009, 8:52 AM · Churro mix C'mon, you know you want a hot, sugary churro right now, don'cha?

You'd have some Christmas morning with this stock-stuffer Churros Mix. [$3.50 from Amazon] It even promises a pastry bag with tip in the box, for easy churro frying at home.

But if you've got a serious churro fan in the house, skip the flimsy bag and buy 'em this heavy-duty Churro Maker and pack it with a copy of this easy churro recipe. (Make sure you have these staples on hand, too, so you can make them right away!)

Previous holiday gift suggestions for theme park fans:

Replies (1)

November 27, 2009 at 11:42 AM · Adoro o churros, mas deveria ter recheio de mumu(doce de leite)dentro do churros, faz um furo na ponta e coloca doce de leite por dentro de todo o churros já frito. É uma delicia!!!
Renata Schulz de Macedo.
Brasil ( Rio Grande do Sul )
Ps. Eu amo os parques da Disney!!!!

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