The 2011 Rose Parade, in photos

January 1, 2011, 12:28 PM · Happy New Year from Pasadena, where we kicked off 2011 with the 122nd annual Tournament of Roses parade!

The Food Network's Paula Deen led the Rose Parade as this year's Grand Marshal.

Paula Deen at the Rose Parade

Perhaps some float designers love Disney theme parks? Castles were a recurring theme in this year's Rose Parade. Here, parade sponsor Honda makes a show for the TV cameras.

Honda's 2011 Rose Parade float

Look closely and you might see Honda's ASIMO robot, in flowers, peeking out from under one of those castle arches.

The Honda castle

Bayer Advanced also chose a fairy-tale castle theme.

Bayer Advanced's 2011 Rose Parade castle

Close-up of the castle

Dole won the Sweepstakes Trophy for Most Beautiful Entry.

Dole's 2011 Rose Parade float

The Trader Joe's float won the Animation Trophy:

The Three Little Pigs also appeared in this year's parade. (Courtesy a building supply company, of course.)

One little pig

Check out the detail in all the various organic material used to create this Native American on the RFD-TV float.

RFD-TV Rose float

Here's a final look at that Rose Bowl-in-flowers close-up, which I first showed you in our preview earlier this week:

The Rose Bowl in the Rose Parade

I found one more (very small) theme park reference in this year's parade. That's supposed to the Universal Studios arch, on the City of Los Angeles' float.

Hollywood, in flowers

Here's something I've been wanting for years in the Rose Parade: a video game-themed float. Okay, it's for the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, so it's not exactly cutting-edge. But it's a start.

Pac Man in the Rose Parade

Pac Man

Finally, here are your Rose Bowl team marching bands in action. First, from the University of Wisconsin:

And TCU:

Replies (4)

January 1, 2011 at 1:20 PM · Did Disney not sponsor a float this year? I thought they always did but I watched the entire parade and either missed it or there wasn't one.
January 1, 2011 at 1:33 PM · No, Disney hasn't had a float for at least a couple years now.
January 2, 2011 at 6:20 PM · Thanks Robert..

I look forward to this parade every New Year and your report… These floats are so beautiful…
Have a great New Year!

When I win the Mega Millions I will pay for a TPI float..

January 3, 2011 at 2:12 PM · I love the Rose parade. I watched it on TV this year. However, the coverage sucked this year. I'm hoping to go see it live next year. Its a "bucket list" item for me. Your photos are great, BTW.

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