Universal two-fer: Transformers Singapore and Harry Potter Hollywood press conferences

December 5, 2011, 4:15 PM · Here's the video of the press conference at Universal Studios Singapore, where Transformers director Michael Bay, Universal Creartive's Thierry Coup and Universal Studios Singapore's John Hallenbeck talk about the making of Transformers The Ride.

I chuckled a bit when Thierry Coup visibly winced when Michael Bay mentioned the "D" word. There's some good stuff here, so please watch, then take a look at our private interview with Coup and Hallenbeck, if you haven't seen it already.

Harry Potter is going Hollywood: I'll be on the approach pattern to LAX, but Laurie will be there at Universal Studios Hollywood tomorrow morning when California Governor Jerry Brown joins Universal and Warner Bros. managers for a "Butterbeer toast" to announce the west coast version of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

We'll post the details here to Theme Park Insider (as well as on our Twitter feed) right after the event.

In case you want to guess where it will go, here's our post from March with an aerial view of Universal Studios Hollywood, along with a break-down on where Harry Potter might fit within it.

Replies (9)

December 5, 2011 at 9:48 PM · April or May, Transformers opening up in Hollywood!
December 6, 2011 at 10:22 AM · Also, that "amazing, innovative expirence" that is replacing JAWS better be announced. 'Grabs a Skipper's hat and gernade launcher'
December 6, 2011 at 11:00 AM · Dominick, you bring the grenade launcher. I'll bring the exploding scuba tank... and high voltage wires... and a bigger boat.
December 6, 2011 at 12:23 PM · Brandon, let's get going. Universal only announced they are expanding WWOHP in Florida and adding it to Hollywood. I'm just glad WWOHP isn't coming to Jaws. 'Hops on bigger boat'
December 6, 2011 at 2:49 PM · So USH just made it official that Harry Potter is coming to LA. Details are scarce though. Where will it be located? What will be in the land? When will it be completed? So many questions so few answers but a great day for USH and theme park fans everywhere especially in the West.
December 6, 2011 at 3:26 PM · it looks like harry potter is coming to replace amity after all as they say that they are expanding harry potter in orlando as well my best guess is diagon alley/gringotts bank as it would work in the studios as it would be separate from the castle and fit within the universe of harry potter altough i will miss jaws any new attraction is good news
December 6, 2011 at 4:40 PM · I'm ok with HP coming to USH, but Jaws turning into a HP place? I dunno... seems like overkill of Harry Potter. It's located on the other side of the "world"... seems a little odd. I guess no one else has done anything like that... it's not like Turtle Talk with Crush or Nemo Subs are a land like Carsland.

It does make sense to have Hogwarts in a different place than another school/ castle, but does Jaws really have to go? Can't the lagoon be used for something else water related? Piranha? Sure it's not G rated by any means, but it's Universal Studios where things are supposed to be edgy! I dunno, maybe I'm grasping at straws, but as much as I love Harry Potter, I would prefer a variety of "lands". It would be like if they shut down the Jungle Cruise and put a Carsland related land in its place.

December 6, 2011 at 7:53 PM · Uh... I've heard from several sources about the Orlando Harry Potter expansion - which is supposed to start with new stores in the area extending below the Hogwarts Express, toward and possibly including the space now occupied by the Sindbad theater.

So today's confirmation of a HP expansion in Orlando does not necessarily mean replacing Jaws. I'll write more on that later this week.

December 7, 2011 at 1:58 PM · Ah, great point Robert. Assumptions... they make an... oh nevermind.

Here's to hoping that Jaws is only shut down to become something else even more spectacular, but NO 3D please! That multi-million gallon lagoon is something unique!

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