Disneyland honors Buzz Price with a window on Main Street

April 9, 2013, 9:06 PM · Disneyland today offered a long-overdue honor to Harrison "Buzz" Price by commemorating the late theme park industry economist with a window on Main Street USA.

Price, who had been honored as a Disney Legend in 2003, passed away in 2010. Never a Disney employee, Price still did essential work for the company as a consultant for Walt Disney, using his extensive market research and forecasting skills to select the sites for both the Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resorts.

We've been big fans of Buzz for years here at Theme Park Insider, and have featured him in several articles:

Buzz Price's Disney Legends plaque

"Guessing is dysfunctional. Ignoring prior experience is denial. Using valid numbers to project performance is rational." - Harrison 'Buzz' Price, 1921-2010

Replies (1)

April 10, 2013 at 10:57 AM · Mr. Price's book is required reading for anyone interested in offering qualified commentary on theme park strategic development. His work gave such precedent to Disney's approach to evaluating potential projects. In a commercial construction industry that has become more and more enamored with Integrated Project Delivery management, and design assist arrrangements with contractors, Price's work is becoming even more relevant than it was all those years ago.

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