Don't Be That Dolt Who Cheats the Single Rider Line

January 26, 2016, 7:48 PM · One of the unfortunate quirks of our human brains is its uncanny ability to allow one negative moment to override every other positive thing that happened during an event. You can have a wonderful day in a park, enjoying multiple rides, a few great shows, a satisfying meal and some delightful treats... but you'll remember most that one idiot who did something that set you off.

So here's the secret to everyone fully enjoying a day in a theme park — don't be that jerk who ruins someone else's visit.

One of the many ways that people kill the buzz for everyone around them in a theme park is by abusing single riders lines. Single rider lines can be great for theme park fans. But providing a separate line for people visiting alone, they allow park employees who are loading attractions to fully fill ride vehicles when there's a empty seat in some row — without having to stop the flow of the regular line to find that odd, single rider.

This way, the entire line moves more quickly, as the attraction puts through more people per hour by sending all its ride vehicles at full capacity without slowing down the line. And in return, people who are visiting alone often get on the ride more quickly.

But it's this return benefit that opens the door for abuse. Many visitors have figured out that single rider lines act as a "bonus Fastpass" — an extra opportunity to skip the long stand-by waits for popular attractions. So entire groups go through the single rider queues, to get that time-saving benefit.

If those groups are cool and go ahead and split at load to ride one at a time, then it's no harm, no foul. But it's the groups that insist on riding together, even after going through the single rider line, that deserve the scorn of all theme park visitors and employees.

As a former Disneyland cast member wrote on Reddit, "The only time single riders bugged me was when... a group of people waiting in [single rider] only to refuse to get on the ride unless they were going on with their party. I had mothers swear that little Timmy met all of the requirements to be a SR but they had to go on together because insert bs reason here."

Another visitor noted, "My friends and I usually do single rider for Radiator Springs, and every time there's usually a single parent with their kid(s) in the single line as well, who always insist to the CM that they have to sit with their kids. That is definitely annoying and disrespectful. It's single riders, not single moms.

"I never usually mind being split up from friends, since it's not like we'll be talking to each other once it starts (unless we want to sit together to get a photo from the ride). Honestly, as long as you don't smell, I'll sit next to anyone on a ride."

So here is our plea: Don't be that dolt who cheats the single rider line. If someone in your group wants to pull this trick, speak up. The single rider line is for single riders. You can hang together as a group in the queue all you want, but when it comes time to ride, you ride alone.

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Replies (44)

January 26, 2016 at 8:45 PM · In single rider line for Rockin Roller Coaster, these girls in front of me, speaking English the whole time, suddenly only spoke Spanish when they got to the front and pretended they had no idea what was going on insisting they had to stay together. Ugh... The CM was awesome though and stood his ground and would not let them ride together.
January 26, 2016 at 8:50 PM · I can remember seeing the single rider line for Spiderman filled with Brazilian tourists thinking the single rider line was the "short line" vs. standing in the regular "long line".
January 26, 2016 at 9:50 PM · I know some friends who feel that Single Rider should be restricted to only parties of one. As the purpose of the line is to fill every seat and increase capacity numbers instead of giving a benefit to solo visitors, I have no problem with groups using Single Rider provided they don't have any issue riding separately. However, it is very frustrating when people argue and insist that they ride together, as that is practically equivalent to line jumping. In my experience, this problem is very evident at Radiator Springs Racers due to a constantly lengthy standby queue, very prominent Single Rider entrance, and limited signage explaining the line. As this ride requires cast members to be quick, more often than not people get away with it here. On almost every other Disneyland attraction, cast members give you a Single Rider pass and make sure everyone knows they will be split up before letting the party enter the line, so I rarely see problems here (and even fewer instances of cast members allowing it).

USH has an entirely different set-up. The Single Rider lines are advertised, but there is prominent signage at the entrance explaining the terms of the line. If you get to the front and don't want to split up, employees will have you stand to the side while they continue to pull from the line until you decide to split up or leave. I once saw a group get so irate that security had to come and remove them to the cheering of everyone else in the line.

January 26, 2016 at 10:12 PM · In response to AJ's post, USH handled that issue amazingly. I wish Disney would crack down on this problem.
January 26, 2016 at 10:14 PM · I prefer they eliminate them. So what if there are empty seats. Singles should be asked from the regular line. If no takers, dispatch.
January 26, 2016 at 10:15 PM · Need to educate the masses in the Zumanjaro line at Six Flags Great Adventure. I was 900 miles from home and there for a day. Trying to squeeze in a quick ride so I could quickly get in line for one last, late night ride on Kingda Ka. Got stuck behind groups of 2-4, who insisted to ride with each other. I tried to plead my case to these idiots, but they didn't care. The regular line was was three times longer, but still faster. Start splitting people up or kick them out of the line for not following the rules. Care about the other people who are trying to enjoy the park too.
January 26, 2016 at 11:07 PM · I also don't think tour groups should be allowed to use it as they close the entire line but you can't just restrict it to only people traveling by themselves and I'm saying that as someone who often goes to theme parks alone.
January 26, 2016 at 11:13 PM · I'm actually surprised this is a problem. I've been in a lot of S/R lines and these sorts tend to get short shrift when they get to the front!

As for restricting them to solo visitors only, I may *wish* that were the case, but there's no legitimate argument for it! :)

January 27, 2016 at 1:46 AM · As long as the loaders let them ride together this perfect system to fill the ride up to capacity there will be idiots who will use it. If I was standing there I would tell them to leave and use the regular line so they have to start all at new.
During my last visit I also noticed a lot of Spanish speaking people smoking in the parks in non smoking area's. I saw no one enforce the rules. It's really disappointing.
January 27, 2016 at 3:05 AM · As a person that has visited solo, and as a person that uses single rider lines with a group, I have never seen people abusing the line like this, but I am certain they do. I strongly believe they should have single rider lines. If managed properly they do not lengthen the process for anyone and give people another option to maximize their visit. The best example is Forbidden Journey near closing time. There are often open seats that simply go to waste. One problem I have seen is that some parks have inconsistent procedures. I also strongly feel that people should not be allowed to demand or even ask to sit together. The fact is that due to the volume of the parks, there always will be rude people.
January 27, 2016 at 4:49 AM · *Six Flags should have single rider lines*
If Disney can't handle it no one can
January 27, 2016 at 5:52 AM · What I can't stand is that people who do these kinds of things think they are being clever, and smarter than everybody else. Like they are the only ones intelligent enough to ever think of these life-hacks.

We're all aware that you could lie/cheat/steal our way into better positioning at the parks. We're not idiots too stupid to come up with an idea on how to cut lines. The vast majority of people are just respectful to the thousands of other people at the park to wait our turn.

Point of message: You're not clever. You're jerks.

January 27, 2016 at 6:50 AM · OMG...
Now TPI is listing grips about lines...
Our America is ever changing..
Just take a drive during the evening commute in any major city..
People are cut throats.. you witness road rage.
I know, as I work in law enforcement.
Now.. in the last 10 years..
you see Handicap privilege, Single rider privilege, Fast-past, and Express privilege, then of course.. those family members who creep up in line.. while one member waits ahead..
It is all nonsense..
Theme parks should have a realistic limit on their ticket holders, and annual pass attendees.
Over crowding is the fault of the park you are attending. (Greed)

Who in their right mind..leaves a place like New York City, to go on vacation that costs thousands of dollars..
To get crammed into a theme park.
Would you go to a dance that was overcrowded?
To a movie theater full of kids shouting, and caring on..
or even a cruise that had poor accommodations.
In this new world order the quality has dropped out for profit..

January 27, 2016 at 7:15 AM · "Singles should be asked from the regular line. If no takers, dispatch."

This is a ridiculous suggestion. If the queue is designed to quarantine single riders, they should be used to keep the lines moving and increase capacities of attractions. Just because the flow of the line doesn't allow a single rider near the front to use an empty seat on the next train, doesn't mean there's not a single rider somewhere in the line that would have a more pleasant park experience if they could get on a little faster. An empty seat is a wasted opportunity, and parks should do everything within reason to ensure attractions run at peak capacity whenever possible. The single rider line also makes it easier for groupers who can have flexibility in loading the trains efficiently. If the standby line is moving slowly, and people are taking their time letting CMs know how many are in their party, single riders are right there typically ready to go at the point of a finger. Many park rides load in 30 seconds or less, so it's critical to ensure peak capacity that guests are moving efficiently into the per-load and load areas.

I use single rider lines whenever possible. It really irks me when there's not a single rider line, and I see multiple cycles run with empty seats while I'm standing in the line too far back to notify the loader that a single rider is available. By having separate lines, the single riders are able to identify themselves sooner and put them in a position where they can be seen and quickly tapped by the loader to fill empty seats.

I really like the way Universal manages their single rider lines. If the single rider line gets too long, they close it until it dies down. They'll also close a single rider line if they feel it's being abused on a given day. People who abuse single rider lines are taking advantage of the system, but I feel the parks go out of their way and continue to encourage the behavior by allowing groups in the single rider line to ride together. It should be very simple - If you're in the single rider line, and unwilling to take the next available seat, you should be directed to the back of the standby line, no exceptions. It's the "nice" cast members that give in to these abusers that propagates the activity. If you get lucky and get directed to the same ride vehicle as the person you're standing in the single rider with, great, but don't complain when you end up next to a stranger. It goes back to park etiquette and enforcement of park rules - to me using the single rider line with a group that insists on riding together is equivalent to line jumping, and should be treated as such.

January 27, 2016 at 8:37 AM · No, it's not a ridiculous suggestion. The singles lines are abused regularly. If you think it is so important, it is possible to find a compromise. Everyone must queue the regular line. In the remaining 15 minute leg, the lines can split off into the single line. This should be done with a greeter than fully explains to the guests how single line queues work. This is no different than when people request to sit in the front. These are all different requests that may or may not be honored. No one is guaranteed a ride. The abuse happens when people are unwilling to wait in the regular line.
January 27, 2016 at 8:42 AM · I've never witnessed someone abusing the single rider line, but I'm sure it happens quite a lot.

I don't even need to hear any stories (though I have heard quite a few) to know who's doing it; it's the selfish dirtbags who think they're all slick and that rules don't apply to them or the airheaded, ignorant mothers who try to pamper and spoil their kids as much as humanly possible yet are still somehow surprised and insulted when said kids get reprimanded by others.

January 27, 2016 at 8:56 AM · I had a great experience using the single rider lines when I was in Disneyland solo a few years ago. I didn't observe any abuse, though it doesn't surprise me that it happens. I think eliminating them is overly complicated based on some guests abusing the system.
January 27, 2016 at 9:21 AM · We love using single rider lines for popular attractions and we certainly don't mind being split up. You're on the ride for less than 3min. Being separated isn't that big of a deal. We were using it for Test Track a couple of years ago and we had a huge group of Brazilians in front of us. When we got to the loading area they all refused to be spilt up. That was wrong and put the ride attendants in a tight spot because they loaded cars from our line with the Brazilians and the regular line and fast pass line of folks were getting seriously hot under the collar, with good reason. Regular line times that day were well over an hour and single rider was like 20 minutes.
January 27, 2016 at 9:31 AM · "Everyone must queue the regular line. In the remaining 15 minute leg, the lines can split off into the single line."

I think that's actually a very good suggestion. It cuts down on the abuse by forcing even single riders to wait through some portion of the standby line and still places them at the ready to fill empty seats. There are some rides where the single rider is setup this way (Apollo's Chariot at BGW and Green Lantern at SFGAdv), though in both of those examples, I think the single rider line could be positioned slightly sooner in the standby line. However, eliminating single rider lines altogether I think is foolish, particularly if you already designed the queue to incorporate them. It puts extra pressure on the loaders to organize guests into the pre-load filling as many seats as possible. Calling down the line for different party sizes (like they do on Splash Mountain and BTMRR) causes enough confusion, particularly if the FastPass line also merges at the load platform. If you compare the the ease of load between BTMRR and Everest, you can see how efficient the process is with guests already arranged by single riders and other sized parties.

You suggestion to move the single rider entrance down the standby line is a good one, but I think the easiest way to combat abuse is for CMs to enforce the rules and send parties who insist on riding together out of the single rider line to make their way to the back of the standby line.

BTW, requests for certain seats out of the standby line are typically honored by CMs, but require the guest to wait at least one full load cycle. Most of the queues have a space for guests to stand while they're waiting to be queued in their desired seat.

January 27, 2016 at 9:43 AM · I don't feel that single rider lines are widely abused, but many more people are becoming aware of their existence, and are using them, which reduces their effectiveness. I've only seen a couple dozen true abuses of the single rider line in the hundreds of days I've spent in theme parks. Does it happen, yes, but I don't think it's as rampant as it's being portrayed.

"Being separated isn't that big of a deal."

On some rides it's actually cooler to be in different vehicles than your travel companion like Men in Black and Radiator Springs Racers, while others like Mission: Space and Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, you can't see or touch the person next to you during the ride anyway.

January 27, 2016 at 10:05 AM · I noticed something new when I toured a few parks in Italy last year. On many of the big rides, the main queue would end at a turnstile just before the station with a large visible digital counter above it, counting down how many more riders were needed to fill the next train at batch. So the next party of 1 (or 2, or however many) in the queue could pass ahead.

It sounds a little complicated, and could I suppose be open to abuse. But it actually worked incredibly efficiently, and seemed to encourage honourable behaviour in guests, getting them working together rather than against each other. It also allowed station staff to focus on getting the trains checked and out, rather than organising people into rows. I wish more parks would adopt this system if they don't want to go the full single-rider route.

January 27, 2016 at 10:25 AM · Two person lines, however, are great. I like to have someone to talk to on long rides
January 27, 2016 at 10:27 AM · This might be a difficult thing to implement, but they should make a point in each line where the line breaks off into a number of paths. for example, lets say a ride seats 4 people per row. so at some point in the line there should be a point where the groups go in a line that corresponds to the number of people they have. single rider, 2 people, 3 people, or a full row of 4. I feel like this could perhaps speed up the loading process for the park employees. granted this would require more room for line que sepearation. However, it is just an idea.
January 27, 2016 at 11:22 AM · HUGE pet peeve of mine! (well, maybe not so "pet"). The worst being the people that pretends not to speak English... Thank you for writing this!
January 27, 2016 at 11:26 AM · I have to strongly disagree with the one or two posters above who argue that single rider lines are a waste of time. The folks at Knott's Berry Farm don't make any effort to make sure that seats are filled even close to capacity, and because of that, I waited at least twice as long as necessary last year to get onto Bigfoot Rapids. They just kept sending 6-person rafts out with 2 or occasionally 3 riders in them. It was so frustrating to know that with a little extra effort up front, they could have made sure that rafts didn't go out with fewer than 5 people in them. Think of how much faster the line would have moved!

Same thing was happening on Silver Bullet: four seats in every row, and rarely more than two people in them. So freaking inefficient! I finally just called out to the ride operator and asked if they would take a single rider. He made me come all the way around through a side gate, but I got on the ride right away in a seat that was mere seconds away from going out empty.

Doing away with single rider lines because of a few abusers would, in my opinion, be the worst possible solution to this problem.

January 27, 2016 at 12:14 PM · I personally haven't observed much abuse of single rider lines and only wish that more rides had them. The one for Zumanjaro at Great Adventure works very well. There will inevitably be a wait - as the CMS typically pull 22 to 23 people (ride capacity is 24)from the regular queue and only 1 or 2 from the single rider queue for each ride cycle, which is only fair given the comparative length of the queues - but it still ends up being a time-saver. At Knoebels they were actually recruiting single riders to fill in empty seats on Impulse, which was a real break for me. At some parks, however, the single rider line does not get one on the ride as quickly as anticipated. At Lagoon, for instance, park policy is that single riders may not sit in the 1st or last row, so for a ride such as Cannibal (3 rows), it's necessary to wait for an empty seat in the 2nd row. Wicked at Lagoon has only 2 rows, so that that policy can't be enforced, but even so it took me forever to get on from the single rider line b/c most people waiting were in pairs or groups of 4.
January 27, 2016 at 12:25 PM · I cannot believe Disney cast members actually allow this! I've only ever ridden RSR through SR and could not even fathom asking to ride with my husband, usually we are in the same car anyways or even better race each other! If Disney is allowing this to happen then it is shame on them and not really the cheater who asks and gets rewarded. If they get to the front and "need to ride with their son" then they can get out of line and wait again. These people have probably never been told no so of course they are going to keep doing it. Ugh Disney can never enforce anything!!
January 27, 2016 at 1:09 PM · My one interesting experience with single rider lines took place 8 years ago at WDW during a filled to capacity week in July. I was taking my 10 year old niece to Disney for her first time with her grandmother. We had a difficult time using Fast Pass because her grandmother didn't want to walk much. She would rather just wait in line than zip around the park and try to make it back for a Fast Pass entry. So we resigned ourselves to multi-hour waits for each attraction. Test Track was showing 2 and 1/2 to 3 hour waits all day long and I had never rode it before and wanted to try it. My niece and her grandmother weren't interested enough to wait three hours for it, so they let me try the single rider line by myself. To my shock and surprise, in spite of a HUGE regular line, the single rider line was walk on immediately and I was done and back with my niece in 10 minutes. I couldn't believe it.
January 27, 2016 at 1:30 PM · The worst is when some people cut in front of people because they need to join their "family". And then you see them at the front and they aren't riding with anyone else
January 27, 2016 at 1:43 PM · Even worse is an entire group of 40 cut in line to join one person in their party in the front of the line.
January 27, 2016 at 2:26 PM · I think actual line cutting at the major theme parks (outside of SF and CF) is pretty limited. Not only that, but it's pretty difficult to do at most major attractions through hour-long queue lines. I have occasionally seen the "My {insert family member here} is just up ahead, excuse me", but it's still pretty rare in my experience. I have only seen the group cutting mentioned above once, and it actually felt legitimate as they joined their chaperon about 20 people ahead of me and we were still 30+ minutes from the front of the line (on Indy at DL).

What is not mentioned here is that single rider lines do every park guest a service. There are going to be single riders at theme parks whether single rider lines existed or not. Those singles are going to want to ride just like everyone else. If they're standing in line with everyone else, they're going to get queued in the order they reach the front of the line, meaning they could end up on a ride vehicle that will then have an empty seat, and probably could have ridden on a cycle 3 or 4 times before when there was an empty seat based on the randomness of group sizes waiting in line. By individually queuing single riders, parks not only make wait times less for the singles, they reduce waits for everyone else, because that single rider is taking an empty seat, and not creating another empty seat by their place in line around lots of even-numbered groups.

Also, single rider lines can be terribly unpredictable since their movement is left to chance. If lots of even numbered groups go through on an even seated ride vehicle, the single rider line won't move. If the grouper is very good at their job, they'll even group odd numbered groups together as they pre-load instead of automatically tapping a single rider every time. When TSMM at DCA had a single rider line, CMs would never select a single rider to fill an empty seat on a row with a child. Single rider lines are not always faster, and I can attest that when we were at USF, it took me 45 minutes to ride Escape from Gringotts through the single rider line when the standby wait was posted at 30.

January 27, 2016 at 2:44 PM · As far as the 'I need to rejoin my family,' I have definitely had to do this for the following reason. I have been in a line that is 90 minutes and had to go to the restroom due to the length of the line. Nobody gave me any trouble on the return. There are certainly situations where the health of the patron would necessitate this. Jumping up a good number of spots just because they were dawdling in the park is not a good reason. My last trip to Universal Orlando had very well run single rider lines. I have never seen Six Flags do even a halfway decent attempt at this. Disney could do better, but their line reservation system is highly broken right now.
January 27, 2016 at 3:01 PM · It sounds like part of the issue is the park not truly enforcing it being a single rider line. If someone gets up there and gives a random reason why they need to ride together, well sorry.... you should have waited in the NOT single rider line. Now either go separately or not at all. That's how it should be.
January 27, 2016 at 3:05 PM · I wish Six Flags did more single rider opportunities, as it is sad to see empty seats on rides when the wait is over an hour. I have not seen ride operators give in on the single rider thing on the few rides that do have it, but if they do, they shouldn't. It is up to the ride operators to enforce the rules, and the ride supervisors to see that they do.
January 27, 2016 at 4:54 PM · One of my favorite lines for Single Rider is MIB at USO. As the carts seat six and many groups are four guest. My son and I would often do single rider and simply end up seating not next to each other but with him in front of me.

And to those who want to get rid of single rider lines just imagine all those people are now in the normal line.

January 27, 2016 at 6:29 PM · Bring back the turnstile counters at the ride load and give the loader a release for the turnstile. When a seat exists, they release one rider for the open seat. Just make sure the line width contracts about 5 feet back. To ensure nobody gets stuck at the load point and to send a message, put one without the remote at the front with appropriate signage. Sends a message and deters abuse. For the ones that argue, put an exit path just before the end of the line narrowing. Designed correct at the front, the exit can become a bypass around the arguers.
January 27, 2016 at 6:55 PM · I present to you a review of the most annoying Single Rider rides in Orlando-

We start with the most annoying, most aggravating, most senseless single rider queue that exists and then go up to the best experience. Yeah I had a little bit of time on my hands. You obviously have some if you’re reading this.

1.) Hannah Montana’s Rock’in Roller Coaster (Disney Hollywood Studios)
Not only does DHS have very few rides at the current moment, but on any given day the wait time for this coaster exceeds 60 minutes. Is it worth a 60 minute wait? Absolutely not. Hey, you’re by yourself, why not try the single rider line? Sure, that sounds good. Yet you end up standing in a long line of families and couples that thought they were beating the system by going single rider. When you finally reach the loading area of the ride you’ll see that a roller coaster that only sits two people per a row is not very effective for the single rider scene. You’ll be amazed with how many groups of people come to visit the park in even numbers. Then you will be baffled as the couple or the family standing in front you realizes that their party is going to be split up and they thought they had entered the regular ride line entrance. You will feel cheated when the cast member sets them all aside to sit together. On top of that they get a requested front row seat.

I’m looking forward to riding this one again in the future once the economy fails or Star Wars is finally opened, whichever happens first. The lines will be shorter then.

2.) Hollywood Rip Ride and Rocket (Universal Studios Florida)
This coaster is still a definite must ride for me. I try to ride it early in the day when the crowds and wait times are much lower. I can only deal with hearing “chill man! Walk slowly to the ride vehicle.” And “be sure to put your smokes in the locker” for so long until I burst out screaming. Later in the day the single rider line is pretty useless though. This coaster has the same issue as Hannah Montana, there are only two seats per row. You fall under the same conundrum where somehow, someway every tourist in Orlando has come in pairs. So you wait, and wait, and wonder if maybe the regular line would have been more feasible to stand in because it is constantly moving. The only problem is if you’re standing as a single rider in the main line, you are going to be paired with a single rider in the single rider line, therefore you’re allowing them to be able to ride the ride quicker because you stood in the regular line. Did I mention you have to put all your earthly belongings including your smokes in the locker before entering the queue?

3.) Test Track (Epcot)
Test Track has one thing going for it. It has a wait time clock for the single rider line. Most of the time the wait is ridiculous. Why? Because a family of 15 thought they were beating the system by getting into it. Due to the lack of available rides at Epcot, you almost always have to fastpass this one. One good thing about it being in Epcot though, there’s alcohol. That helps in dealing with the screaming kids while standing in line for TT.

4.) Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey (Universal Islands of Adventure)
For the most part, this one is okay. There are two issues I have experienced with it. The first is witnessing a group going through the single rider line, then ducking into the regular line before the Sorting Hat. Trust me it happens. I have sadly seen it more times than I like to count. The second thing is that usually the single riders get placed on the far right seat of the ride. This is actually kind of cool because some of the effects are timed to that position. The bad thing for me is that for reasons I can’t explain I always get really dizzy when sitting in that position. I can sit in the other three and feel fine (maybe a tad dizzy after the ride, but nothing bad). I have had experiences sitting on the far right where I didn’t think I was going to survive the journey back to the castle. I felt like I was going to be puking in the corner of the gift shop on my way out. That would make for a magical day for everyone.

5.) Transformers (Universal Studios Florida)
It depends on the time of day, but this is the ride that will attract large families and couples to journey into the single rider line. There’s usually a cast member standing in front of the single rider entrance. They will explain the concept of single rider to them, but yet they get in the line and they complain when their party is going to be split up at the loading bay. I have also seen people numerous times being “rewarded” by being able to sit next to each other even though they went through the single rider line. To me this just reinforces a bad behavior that will continue to grow.

6.) Escape from Gringotts (Universal Studios Florida)
This is another single rider queue that will back up to excess with families trying to beat the system if the wait time is long for the regular line. What is really bad about it is that it consists mainly of a claustrophobic brown hallway. That you seem to stand in forever. And ever. And ever. Then you approach a staircase that appears to go up forever and ever.

7.) Expedition Everest (Disney’s Animal Kingdom)
This one is slightly hidden and most people don’t understand why the people are waiting in a line. This line isn’t too bad. It only has two main issues. It is kind of short, there’s not a lot of room for a single rider line. The second issue is that sometimes you will find yourself standing in the blazing sun for what feels like an eternity. Other than those two problems, it’s not too bad. The train does have two seats per row which would seem like a problem, but the trains are longer than HMRRC and HRRR which helps.

8.) Spiderman (Universal Islands of Adventure)
My only beef with Spiderman is that it’s not always open. I don’t know what criteria are used to determine when it should be open and when it’s not. Yeah, the cast members will put the couples and families in the same rows sometimes, but by this point I just deal with it.

9.) The Revenge of the Mummy (Universal Studios Florida)
My main complaint for this one is that you end up walking so quickly from outside to indoors that your eyes don’t have time to adjust to the darkness. I have seen a couple of people get lost in this one because of this. Fortunately I have been through it enough times that I know the way, even up the stairs.

10.) Incredible Hulk (Universal Islands of Adventure)
We have now reached the point in the list that I don’t have any issues with the single rider line. Hulk good. Hopefully Hulk will stay good.

11.) Men in Black Alien Attack (Universal Studios Florida)
The best thing is you skip all the preshow nonsense. I have to admit it is okay to see every once and a while. The hallway that leads to the actual queue is really odd with the way the airflow rushes through there. On a really hot day it can be refreshing. This is quite possibly the best single rider queue. You hop on with a random group of people. If you know the game well you’ll end up being this mysterious person that gets the highest score in your car. Hopefully the people playing with you can shoot decently so that you have a chance to get the good ending (which is not often). After it’s over, you walk through the baby swap to do it all over again. It’s like your own person video game.

So that was my review of single rider lines for Orlando. I probably missed a few, but if I did it’s because they’re not any good. Or I really did forget one or two. In that case I can write a longer manifesto next time.

January 28, 2016 at 1:39 PM · I love single rider lines. As someone who visits parks with a partner and daughter who don't like roller coasters, single rider lines give me the opportunity to ride my favourite coasters without causing too much inconvenience to the rest of my party.
Whilst groups or couple in the single rider line who insist on riding together are annoying, the biggest Dolts and cheats are people who skip through child swap when they don;t have any children to ride again - yes Kris V I mean you!
January 29, 2016 at 7:38 AM · Kris V, I was reading your comment and I noticed you said Hannah Montana Rock N' Roller coaster. I havent been to MGM/ Hollywood Studios in a while. Did they change it from Aerosmith to Hannah Montana?
January 29, 2016 at 7:58 AM · To the Anonymous poster - Actually it was a cast member working MIB Alien Attack that told a friend and I that we can re-ride by going through the baby swap area. It's not a problem to them. As a single rider it doesn't matter because you're going through the single rider lane again anyway. The only thing you are bypassing is the long walk out of the building and back into the building through the single rider hallway.

To colandoj - The rebranding for Hannah Montana will happen once all the other updates are in place for DHS (wink, wink).

January 29, 2016 at 8:40 AM · I dont know if that (wink wink) means you are kidding or not, but I really really really hope they dont do that. It will be the worst decision they can possible make.
January 29, 2016 at 2:49 PM · Quite simply, the loader has to refuse to let more than 1 board, unless there is two seats free in the next available car.

If the riders insist they ride together, then by all means they can return to the beginning of the line and queue together.

Unless they enforce the basic rule, there will always be people who abuse it.

January 30, 2016 at 10:56 PM · I personally LIKE the single rider line. At Astroworld, we got picked to jump the line by the attendant but because there was no single rider line, it was a mighty effort trying to get to the loading dock from where we were standing, so I do agree, single rider lines are awesome. I do think that for the most part, the attendants do a good job of honoring the single rider line rules. So far, I've seen more line jumping in the regular lines than in the singles least in my own far. ;-)
January 31, 2016 at 6:39 AM · Haha i always feel like im disappointing the single person i get assigned to ride next to because they thought they were going to have an empty seat next to them. Close, but now your riding next to a stranger lol

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