Exclusive Pics from Cheetah Hunt at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Busch Gardens Tampa: I got a hard hat tour of the new coaster and got some insider info from the park about the coaster.

From Rachel PItts
Posted February 17, 2011 at 2:47 PM
I got a hard hat tour of the new coaster and got some insider info from the park about the coaster. Check out the photos for all the info. This is going to be amazing!

From Hermione Potter
Posted February 17, 2011 at 5:22 PM
One of those slides said the coaster was going to be 2 minutes long. Unless that includes load and unload time and/or each train seats 50+ and runs like 4 trains at a time...that's a looooong wait for a coaster.

From Susan Jackson
Posted February 19, 2011 at 6:18 AM
According to http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/features_orlando/2011/02/busch-gardens-cheetah-hunt-coaster-to-open-may-27.html

The coaster will seat 16 an be open on May 27th.

From Robert Niles
Posted February 24, 2011 at 6:51 PM
It's supposed to have five trains. Assuming four run at a time, and with a four-minute cycle time (which is generous), that's 15 cycles per hour, with 16x4 riders per cycle. That's an hourly capacity of 960 riders. Get the cycle time down to three minutes, and it's 1280 riders.

That'd make it Thunder Mountain-like for capacity.

What I don't know is if there's more than one loading station. With one load station, it'd be a challenge to run a three-minute cycle with four trains. That'd mean getting a train into the station, stopped, unloaded, reloaded, checked in and dispatched in under 45 seconds. (Five trains would require 36 seconds for a three-minute cycle, FWIW.)

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