Rip Rocket Ride at Universal . . . Music stopped

Universal Orlando: The music stopped in the middle of the ride.

From Roger Shurp
Posted August 20, 2011 at 3:47 PM
I went to Universal Studios about a month ago and got in line to go on the Rip Rocket coaster. After hearing "pick your song" for about an hour in the queue, I was finally able to get on the ride. I chose a song. It began to play when the ride started. I started feeling pretty epic. Only, the music stopped after about 45 seconds and it was mute throughout the rest of the ride. I asked my two brothers if they had a similar experience. They all said their soundtracks stopped also.

So I guess my question is, was it normal for the music to stop 45 seconds into the ride? Because that was really lame. - Thanks

From Allison Bazzle
Posted August 20, 2011 at 3:58 PM
Nope, that's not normal at all. The Rip Ride Rockit always seems to have some sort of technical difficulty. Something has always gone wrong ever since the ride opened.

From Tim Hillman
Posted August 21, 2011 at 6:10 AM
Did you all pick "American Pie" as your on-ride music?

From Mike Gallagher
Posted August 22, 2011 at 7:30 AM
I haven't been. Is that Don McLean's American Pie or Madonna's? The former is my all time favorite song. The latter is a travesty.

From Randy Stellar
Posted August 22, 2011 at 10:07 AM
Both times I was on it I did not have enough time to pick my song and it picked one for me. Was there some type of guide while waiting in line I missed?

I could have looked it up online before riding. But I don't really feel like doing research before riding.

From Adam Newman
Posted August 22, 2011 at 1:09 PM
My song on that coaster was Paralyzer and it was awesome. . . they do tell you how to choose in line if you're paying attention, you don't have much time to select.

From N B
Posted August 22, 2011 at 4:21 PM
Busy Child - Crystal Method... I think it's the default if you don't choose a song, but It's my type of music, so I picked it more than once. There is a list of hidden songs floating around, you have to touch the logo at the top of the screen for ten seconds, then a keypad will appear so you can enter a 3 digit code...

I think one train in particular always has issues... and it hasn't been the most reliable coaster since it was installed, but I loved it. We rode it 5-6 times in our 8 day stay. Night time is definitely better...

From Jorge Arnoldson
Posted August 23, 2011 at 4:58 PM
No music played at all for me when I went last week. At least I got a front-of-the-line ticket out of it.

From Orrin Carstarphen
Posted August 24, 2011 at 5:45 PM
I usually go with "For Whom the Bells Toll" when I ride. The last couple times I have been the ride has been shut down. Huge waste of money in my opinion and really doesn't blend in well with the park. It would be more at home at IOA.

From N B
Posted August 24, 2011 at 5:51 PM
RRR was squeezed in purely for WWOHP as Universal needed something that would attract visitors as well. You can tell it was custom designed to fit in that narrow corridor.

The only time it had a problem was near closing on the day we arrived, but they got it up and running and let all us patient people ride. It was flawless for the other 7 days and we rode it a lot... the music always worked the way it was supposed to.

Universal needed a coaster and there wasn't a lot of options without tearing down something else. Smooth, quiet, and fun. I love it.

From Annette Hatch
Posted August 27, 2011 at 12:59 PM
I love it too! That was my 10 year old son's first coaster (outdoor non-Mummy) & my 7 year old daughter is measuring herself constantly for the day she gets to step foot on it. It broke down once out of the tons of times we've been on it, but while we were in line. The last time we were there we had to wait for them to add more cars but that was it. I go on it over & over because I can't decide what to listen to!

From Zackiel Marsh
Posted August 27, 2011 at 3:57 PM
Even though I live in Florida I have only been to Universal Studios twice and it was there the second time. It was the main event for me since I love rollercoasters but it was closed for the first 2 hours then it finally opened. I stood in a 20 minute line and it broke down before I got on but I got a front of the line pass. Finally at 6 I got to go on after we went on everything else. It left me questioning if it was the best coaster I have ridden. I was in the back row which is my favorite row for coasters and it gave me great airtime, speed, and smoothness. I went on again on my way out and I really loved this coaster aand it was the highlight of my day. I went to Islands the next day and thought RRR was better than both Dragons and the Hulk. It currently sits firmly at my number 2 coaster spot behind Kumba from Busch Gardens Tampa. A great coaster.

From Jake Johnson
Posted October 1, 2011 at 6:59 PM
I was in the very back car and it was ROUGH as h#ll..(sept 2011) got a headache from all the bouncing and motion. It was fast and the music did play the whole time. might try again more towards front.

If you want a fast ride try Manta at seaworld in the back positions.. man that thing accelerates down the first loop so fast it will snap your head back.

From N B
Posted October 3, 2011 at 1:38 AM

My 9 year old daughter finally got to experience the Hulk, Dragon Challenge and Rip Ride Rocket this summer....she just hit 54". Watching her on the rides made them that much better, and we rode RRR our first night there. Actually, we checked in at Hard Rock, printed our park tickets at the desk, threw our luggage in our room and headed out to the park.

The queue is like a huge dance party (we had teen girl tour groups from Brazil every day, they were everywhere, all day) and the ride is sooo much better at night. She is already counting the days until our next visit, which will be Summer 2012 for 8 days.

I am already looking forward to it as well.

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