My question for you is: What format do you want this trivia challenge to be in?
Tim W and TH Creative have an extremely good Jeopardy method going, but I don’t have that kind of time to play a "live" style game, nor do I want to encroach on their idea........and their categories and questions were so much more clever than mine......all I have is questions.....
I realize that the free for all method of the Harry Potter trivia challenge I did probably wasn’t the best method......
I am open for ideas here......
Let’s post any ideas that you have no matter how good or bad you might think they are, because it might be a perfect counterbalance to someone else’s idea. Let’s also see if we can get a discussion going on the different ideas and hopefully come up with a game that everyone wants to participate in....
Here is my first idea. This is a more simplistic aproach to the game that I came up with. Perhaps you could do like 5 questions a day. The first one that chimes in first would get the points. But the person couldn't answer more than one question a day. Players would try to rack up the most points, and the person with the most wins. A problem with this is that there is a possiblity of a question not being answered.
My second proposal is more structured. In this plan you would have somewhere between like 10 and 15 contestants competing for the most points. You would give them the same bunch of about 10 questions per week on Sunday. They would have to email their answers to you by Saturday. You would then award 10 points for each right answer, 10 extra points for getting all questions correct, and 10 extra points to the person who emailed you first and got all the right answers. On saturday, you would then reveal the points everyone received with the correct answers. It could go on for about 10 weeks or so, and then the one with the most points would win.
Another option to consider for the above proposals is varying degrees of difficulty. You could have easier questions worth less points than harder questions. An easy question could be worth 10, medium 20, while hard questions would be worth 30.
Good Luck with the new competition!
My original thought was something unstructured.....but the more I think about your structure idea, the more potential I see in it....the questions would need to be fairly tough for a structured game....since everyone would cheat and use the internet....
.....if we can fine tune this machine....I have no problems doing trivia challenges on a fairly regular schedule....possibly utilizing different topics each time.....but these are just ideas on the table at this point....
wow! Expectations the pressure is on!
1. It sounds like everyone is up for regular trivia challenges. Once a week sounds a little extreme, unless it is 15-20 questions and no more....but we can take a look at that would probably depend on participation....
2. If the trivia challenges are regular then it is reasonable to have themes. If they are not regular, then a diversity of questions is desired
Maybe if I scheduled a time to post questions and then posted 5 at the same time….the first person to answer each question correctly gets the points individually for each question. So it starts at a set time and then becomes a free for all. With 5 questions of various difficulties, there would then be a strategy to figure out if you put the effort on the easy question and get into the scrum for the easy points or if you take on the hard questions first in order to beat people to high point value questions....maybe we could pick a day…..and then post questions on the hour every hour from 7am to having everyone on equal footing with the start time, it will keep people from being able to answer all 5 questions.....unless they are the only ones to show would be a bad strategy to wait to post all 5 at the same time, you would want to answer each question as you figured it out.....
This seems to take the best bits of Jeopardy, levels the playing field a bit, and allows for some strategy.....without forcing everyone to camp on the website all day....
If questions roll to the next hour, then the value on the question would start going up...
How am I doing here?
Tentative schedule - 7am to 2pm website time...Friday
Is anyone ready to do this?
Or should I pick a better day?
Or should I pick a better time?
Or should I just crawl back into my cave and make with the funny stuff?
HELLO? Hello....hello....llo....llo
I found running the March tournaments that we get most participation when we leave things open for input for 24 hours, so everyone around the world gets a chance to participate.
For what it's worth....