Disney CA versus Disney's FL (why?)

November 11, 2016, 11:25 AM

Does anyone know the reason the parks in Florida begin with "Disney's" while California Adventure begins with "Disney"?

Disney's Animal Kingdom
Disney's Hollywood Studios
Disney California Adventure

Replies (6)

November 11, 2016, 12:15 PM

I'm told that there was some market analysis on this, focusing on international visitors, for whom the possessive form created a language issue. And that it was easier to make the change in California, as the possessive form wasn't in nearly as widespread use there as it was in Florida.

But I've never seen any detail backing up that assertion.

November 11, 2016, 4:10 PM

I may be wrong, but I've always thought of it like this:

-Disney's Hollywood Studios is themed to the film industry and other types of show business. It is essentially Disney's spin on Hollywood.

-Disney's Animal Kingdom is themed to animals and the natural world. It is essentially Disney's spin on a wildlife park.

-Disney's California Adventure (DCA 1.0) was themed to the state of California. It was essentially Disney's spin on the major tourist attractions of the state.

-Disney California Adventure Park (DCA 2.0) is themed to adventure in the state of California. It is, more or less, a park about Disney adventures that happen to occur in California.

The difference is subtle, but it is where the true focus lies. For Disney's California Adventure, California came first, and attractions were meant to be about the history and culture of the state. Now, as Disney California Adventure, the adventure part is the focus, and these adventures just happen to take place in California.

November 11, 2016, 6:55 PM

Or... after spending a billion bucks on Cars Land and Buena Vista Street, there was no money left in the budget for an apostrophe on the new sign.

There's probably some analysis out there on how leaving off the apostrophe saves Disney thousands of dollars a year in ink costs, kinda like how leaving one blueberry out of an airline meal saves the carrier a million bucks a year or something.

Honestly, I'd believe anything on this one.

Edited: November 11, 2016, 7:16 PM

Try Google's Search for the answer. I heard a long time ago this was a quirky Disney executive's executive decision.

November 12, 2016, 9:09 AM

I took as the obsessive went to parks that are not usually use the "Disney" name. I mean, I think most call it EPCOT or Animal Kingdom.

It would be interesting know the real reason. I bet it was done by accident.

November 12, 2016, 2:01 PM

Nice to get some thoughtful and fun responses. :P

Next year, I'm gonna take a trip to Walt Disney's World!!!

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