Legoland Will Bring 'The Lego Movie' Characters to its 4D Theaters

February 25, 2015, 10:27 AM

Legoland's parent, Merlin Entertainments, announced today that it is partnering with Warner Bros. to create a new 4D movie featuring The Lego Movie stars Emmet and Wyldstyle to its six theme parks worldwide as well as to its 11 Lego Discovery Centers.

Emmet at Legoland California

The new movie will debut later in 2015.

The Lego Movie got snubbed at this year's Academy Awards, but it ranked as the top-grossing animated movie of 2014, and a sequel is in development.

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Replies (4)

February 25, 2015, 10:36 AM

I'm still waiting for an official announcement from AMPAS regarding leaving The Lego Movie off the list of animated nominees. The early word was that it was ineligible because of the live action scenes disqualified it from the animated category. However, AMPAS never made an official announcement one way or the other despite the obvious snubbing. Would it have been so hard for AMPAS to say the film didn't qualify for the category (as they have frequently done in the Song and Score categories) or at least make it clear that voters overlooked the movie during the nomination process?

Edited: February 25, 2015, 2:07 PM

The Lego Movie *was* on the ballot as an eligible film and that the members of the animation and short film wing did not vote it among the top five nominees this year. Link.

February 25, 2015, 3:06 PM

So how exactly are the DC characters gonna be handled if Six Flags still has the rights? I know they're not the main characters, but they still play a pretty big role

March 12, 2015, 2:43 PM

I'm sure it'll just be clips from the movie, just like every other Simex-Iwerks simulator film based on an existing movie.

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