Bay Area, Kansas City theme parks bet on Super Bowl outcome

February 6, 2024, 6:29 PM · It's Super Bowl week, and it's another year when the two teams represent cities that are also home to theme parks from the same company.

That means it is once again time for theme park fans to watch two parks make some silly bet on the outcome of the big game. With the San Francisco 49ers again playing the Kansas City Chiefs for the NFL title, it's Cedar Fair's Worlds of Fun placing a wager with sister park California's Great America.

Worlds of Fun might stand just 10 miles up I-435 from the Chiefs' home field, but California's Great America shares a parking lot with the 49ers' stadium.

Back in 2020, Worlds of Fun challenged its California sibling to fly a Chiefs flag if the Kansas City team won the Super Bowl, which it did. This time, naming rights for a coaster are the prize. The park from the winning city gets to rename a coaster at the park with the losing team for its opening weekend.

If the Chiefs win again, past history might dictate the change. In 2019, Worlds of Fun renamed its Patriot coaster "Patrick" after the Chiefs' quarterback, during the week leading up to the AFC Championship game against the New England Patriots. Since California's Great America also has a coaster named Patriot, I suspect that might be Worlds of Fun's target this year.

On the flip side, I don't know - Boomerang becomes "Brock"? Prowler becomes "Purdy"? We'll see.

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Replies (3)

February 7, 2024 at 9:57 AM

3 out of the 5 references to WOF are incorrect. It's Worlds (plural) of Fun. You can even see it in their X post.

February 7, 2024 at 10:17 AM

Also, as a tie in to the Super Bowl, WOF was originally built by Lamar Hunt, the founder of the Chiefs and who the AFC Championship trophy is named for. The Chiefs are still owned by the Hunt family.

February 7, 2024 at 4:27 PM

I really need to stop trying to edit posts on my phone, especially when (damn you) autocorrect is on. Fixed. Thanks for the catch.

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