Legoland announces the removal of another classic ride

October 4, 2023, 5:35 PM · Legoland California will close another of its long-standing attractions at the end of this month.

The Carlsbad theme park last week closed its Safari Trek ride. Today, the park revealed that its next-door neighbor, Fairy Tale Brook, will be closing, too.

"The Story Ends... For Now! After many magical boat rides floating through your favorite stories, Fairy Tale Brook will close at the end of October to make way for future awesomeness!," the park announced on its social media accounts.

The removal of these two attractions will open an enormous amount of space between Coastersaurus and The Lego Movie World. When Legoland announced the Safari Trek closure with the same "make way for future awesomeness," I wrote that "awesome" has become Legoland's version of Disney's "magic" - a catchphrase employed for all sorts of projects. But with The Lego Movie World located next to these attractions, perhaps the "awesomeness" that Legoland is promising really involve an extension of the land devoted to the movie franchise that started Lego's relationship with the word.

That said, today's social media post also hedges the demise of Fairy Tale Brook with the qualifier "... for now," so perhaps another Lego retelling of classic fairy tales might be part of whatever new attraction is coming to this space.

Time to play Merlin Magic Maker in the comments and tell us what you think, or just want, Legoland to do.

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Replies (2)

October 4, 2023 at 9:41 PM

Gotta say I am really sad about this. When I was a kid my family had a membership at a lake where you could go swimming and fishing and have picnics. There was a walking path around the lake where the owner had built 2-D plywood cutouts of storybook characters. As a 4 year old, I thought it was magic. As an adult, I bet it was really pretty crummy. This ride 100% reminds me of that storybook walkway. I'm so sad it's being removed. I hope they will just update the show scenes along the ride and reopen it even better than it is now.

October 5, 2023 at 1:42 AM

Safari Trek's closure was whatever, but if this one is indeed permanent it stings. In my opinion, Fairy Tale Brook was one of Legoland California's best opening day attractions, and while I haven't visited the park in a decade, I still remember enjoying it quite a bit the last time I rode. Something missing from many of Legoland's newer attractions are practical Lego models, but this one was full of them and was truly something everyone could enjoy.

My hope is that the plan is to reimagine the ride with a new theme but the same basic concept, but if it is completely gone I suppose the combined plots of it and Safari Trek make up a couple acres for a pretty decent expansion. My top choice for a new area would be Mythica, similar to what Legoland Deutschland got this year, perhaps for 2025. What I really don't want to happen is for this land to be ceded to a west coast Peppa Pig Theme Park as it would be an awkward location for such and I'd rather see that built elsewhere in SoCal rather than becoming a micro second gate.

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