Fire destroys Liseberg's new water park

February 12, 2024, 1:24 PM · A major fire has destroyed a new indoor water park under construction at Sweden's Liseberg theme park.

The 3.5-acre Oceana Water World was set to open this summer. However, this morning a fire broke out and engulfed the building, with explosions captured by local news crews.

@aftonbladet Lisebergs nya vattenpark Oceana brinner. Öppna lågor slår ut från en vattenrutschkana och rök sprider sig över Göteborg. – Det är en större brand. Vi är precis framme på platsen, säger Björn van der Kaay, larm- och ledningsoperatör vid räddningstjänsten Storgöteborg. #aftonbladet #nyheter #oceana #liseberg ? originalljud - Aftonbladet

One person is reported missing, and 16 were treated for minor injuries then released.

"We are deeply saddened by the devastating event. Our primary task now is to assist the police in the search for the missing person and to support everyone affected," Liseberg CEO Andreas Andersen said.

Smoke from the fire could be seen across Gothenburg, local media reported. Liseberg evacuated its nearby offices as well as its Grand Curiosa Hotel. The hotel, Liseberg's arcade hall, and its restaurants will remain closed today and tomorrow. The amusement park's season does not open until April.

Oceana Water World was to offer 14 attractions, including four White Water slides, some of which were to be the first of their model in Europe. Liseberg said that the fire started on the outside of the southern part of the building, then quickly spread to parts of the pool hall. Last month, Liseberg had started filling the pools for the park.

Update: The missing person, construction manager Patrik Gillholm, has been confirmed as a fatality.

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Replies (1)

February 12, 2024 at 2:39 PM

We are planning a trip to Europe this summer, and Liseberg is definitely on the itinerary. We aren't planning any time at the new water park section, but there are reports that this fire may have impacted the nearby World of Volvo complex under construction next door that is due to open in April. This new multi-purpose facility (museums, meeting space, restaurants, entertainment venues, etc...) is likely to be included in our Overseas Delivery experience that is forming the backbone of our upcoming trip. Hopefully this fire doesn't substantially delay the adjacent project or otherwise impact our plans to visit the main part of Liseberg in late July.

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