Plan your trip to Universal Studios with our updated guides

January 15, 2025, 5:48 PM · Planning a visit to Universal this year? No matter where you want to visit around the world, we have a guide to a Universal Studios theme park to help you plan.

Theme Park Insider offers one-page visitors guides to four dozen popular theme parks around the world. These guides include our reviews and rankings of top attractions, on-ride videos, and practical advice for getting the most from each visit. For many parks, including those from Universal, we also offer links to discounted tickets.

Earlier this month, we updated our Visitors Guide to Universal Studios Japan. This week, we have updated three more guides to Universal Studios theme parks:

And, yes, we will have an all-new Visitors Guide to Universal Studios Singapore coming later this month, completing the line-up of Universal Studios-branded theme parks. If you have any extra tips or advice that you would like us to add to any of these guides, please let us know in the comments.

To keep up to date with all our theme park news in 2025, please sign up for Theme Park Insider's weekly newsletter.

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